Wizard101 UK's Diamond Jubilee Celebration!

Beginning tomorrow, Wizard101 UK is planning a Celebration of royal proportions! Harold Argleston has a message for you!

Greetings young wizards, 
We are bringing you a celebration sixty years in the making. To celebrate and cherish a feat of sovereignty like no other, with our Spiral Diamond Jubilee, for Her Royal Majesty the Queen of Marleybone.

With arts, events, games and prizes. With a special extended weekend of magic. 
We are please to announce to you the itinerary for this weekends extravaganza, Her Royal Majesty the Queen of Marleybone's Spiral Diamond Jubilee.

Her Royal Majesty the Queen of Marleybone
requests the honour of your company
at Cyclops Lane Festival Park
on June 2rd at 13:00 BST Ambrose Server

Come dressed in your finest Marleybone attire, with well groomed pets and mounts for a parade through Wizard City. The parade will commence at 13:30 and end at the Pet Pavilion. 
Wizard101 UK staff will be on hand to direct and help take in photograph moments with everyone. Wizards are also encouraged to collect their own screen shots for submissions. to board and Facebook.
Long live the Royals! Bark-bark-hurrah!
From your friendly Wizard101 UK team 
Harold Argleston
Wizard City Librarian

There will also be a surprise flash mob!

Hello Young Wizards, 
We are holding a surprise contest during the Spiral Diamond Jubilee. We are holding a secret Flash Mob event June 3rd in front of the gates of Barkingham Palace of Regent's Square Marleybone Ambrose server. 
Come dressed as you are, or coordinated with friends, but please leave mounts at home. Because we will be ready to sweat as we all spontaneously start dancing at 14:00 BST to surprise Her Royal Majesty the Queen. 
You can then submit your pictures of the competition of yourself and friends for open voting on our Facebook page for best dance picture. The chosen submission will be rewarded with an Extra Castle Elixir for their wizard.

Finally, you'll all get the chance to try a crazy maze! If you were a part of the UK Gamemaster's party, you know how much fun these are!

Greetings to all Wizards of the Spiral, 
To conclude our Spiral Diamond Jubilee we have a special event in store for you. Whats better than being locked up in the Tower of Marleybone bell tower? 
A labyrinthine maze that is what!

Her Royal Majesty the Queen of Marleybone
requests the honour of your company
at Unicorn Park of Unicorn Way Wizard City Ambrose server
for the evening of June 5th at 18:00 BST / 19:00 CET 
We will have multiple game staff on hand as portbuses to invite you into the event for as many areas of Unicorn Way is needed. The first wizards to make it though the perilous maze and arrive at the Massive Fantasy Palace PvP ring will be rewarded with multiple card packs or a mystery prize. Game Staff will be around collecting pictures. Party events will take place in multiple locations of the maze for all to enjoy throughout the evening. 
Clues for the maze will arrive closer to the event. 
Harold Argleston
Wizard City Librarian
Grand Marshal Spiral Diamond Jubilee Committee

Be sure to keep your eyes on the Wizard101 UK forum for more information on this upcoming celebration - it begins tomorrow! (http://board.wizard101.co.uk/board3-wizard101-announcements/board9-forum-announcements/board28-game-and-board-news/3033-a-celebration-of-royal-proportions/)

Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!

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