Legends of the Spiral UK Summer's Super Party!

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Do you have a Wizard101 UK wizard? One of the best places to spend your spare time is Legends on the Spiral. Here, you can create your own Wizard101 cards, post pictures and videos, host parties, translate runes, and take part in a number of other contests and activities.

Legends of the Spiral (LotS) UK is having a Summer Super Party! If you haven't already, you'll be able to meet Mason Swiftblade and I, plus several members of the LotS staff! Members such as Kaito have already verified that they'll be attending this party!
You're invited!

Legends of the Spiral UK staff requests your attendance...
LotS UK Summer's Super Party
6:00 PM BST, Life Tower, Gamma Realm, Area 1
...Port Bus to Mason Swiftblade's Sultan's Palace
Fun, Games, and Contests

There will be a variety of great events, including a Race, Wizard Trivia, and a Best Dressed contest! Don't miss out!

Get all of the information and commit to attending the party at http://www.legendsofthespiral.co.uk/?page=17&partyid=128!

That's all for now! Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!

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