Wizard101 UK Labyrinth Maze Recap

Ok, where's the floor?

If you were a part of the Wizard101 UK maze two days ago, you know how much fun it was! As a finale to the Diamond Jubilee Celebration, wizards met in Unicorn Way park and awaited the arrival of Gameforge Support to add them and allow them to teleport directly into a small dorm room... with a portal to a string of about seven houses, each containing a variety of teleporters that might take you one step ahead, might start you over, or just might get you stuck altogether.

As with these sort of Celebrations, people begin lining up over an hour in advance. If you aren't on Wizard101 UK, they have only two realms, versus the US's 32 realms. Even an hour before the start of the celebration, the realm on which we'd be meeting had three areas. When I finally made it into the first, I made sure to hold on to that valuable position.

When Gameforge support showed up, they were naturally swarmed, and added everyone possible. To answer one wizard's question - Yes, they will remove you afterwards, they are actually required to.

Alura Thunderbringer, Gameforge Support

When you try to bring a chunk of Wizard101 UK's players into one, small dorm, it gets a bit crowded. That being said, you also got a sense of how many players were actually there.

The crowd in the Dorm room

What better to do with your idle time waiting for houses to load that take pictures? When entering the portal, because of server lag, you'd oftentimes go invisible and be unable to teleport at all. You'd have to go back to the character screen, re-enter the game, and find a teleport back to the dorm.

Attempting to start the maze

Here was out puzzle for navigating the portals:

The Great Star of Africa is what will get you ahead
The Black Princes Ruby will set you back
The sapphires will stun you still
The purple amethysts will get you stuck
The emeralds will take you to next weeks celebration
And the mandarin garnets are not included, and thus will start you all over again.

Here's my interpretation:

The Great Star of Africa is what will get you ahead - White portals move one house forward
The Black Princes Ruby will set you back - Red portals move one house backward
The sapphires will stun you still - Blue portals send you elsewhere in the same house
The purple amethysts will get you stuck - Purple portals send you to a WC house with no way out
The emeralds will take you to next weeks celebration - Green portals send you to the Life house, in honor of the Life Celebration happening next week
And the mandarin garnets are not included, and thus will start you all over again. - Orange portals bring you back to the Dorm

"The Great Star of Africa" getting wizards ahead

The first two people to arrive at the castle received some great prizes! After I arrived, the PvP and partying had already begun!

There's No Crying in PvP!

I even joined in on the fun myself! Despite the fact that I remain a level 15, I AM a sorcerer, which means Balanceblades and shields of all types!

If you missed part of the celebration, I have here 27 minutes of unedited, sped up party footage for you! I apologize if you get a bit of my Twitter feed.

There's one more thing - I met Antonio Lotusblood in-game, too!

Antonio Lotusblood and Swordroll

So, what was YOUR favorite part of the celebration?

Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!


  1. Darn! Unfortunately I couldn't make it.

    Will have to be at next event though!

  2. OMG I'm in that video as well as my other friends, I'm madison thundertail (the one at 7 mins into the video im the one saying '*yay') :D I remember seeing you there! I loved the party because I got to see the massve fantasy palace and I was giving out drinks to people XD


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