All New Pirate101 Information - Minigames, Skull Island, and New Concepts

Pirate101 may still be in its Alpha stage of testing, but there's no shortage of game information! Here's the latest on all of the Pirate101 updates!

First up, there's new information on Skull Island! You didn't think it was just sand, beaches, and docks, did you? Turns out, there's a variety of unique areas in this first world alone, including a fort of mini-monquistadors, a city on the back of a whale, a mash-up of ship wreckage, a huge volcano, and homes in the bones of a leviathan! Learn more at http://www.home.p101/free_game/worlds/skull_island!

Whether Coin Drop, Pirate's Pub, Powder Keg, Rat Attack, Rogue's Range, or Windjammer interests you most, there's no doubt that these six Pirate101 minigames are sure to be favorites! Read all about them at http://www.home.p101/free_game/mini_games!

Pirate101 is also answering some of your top questions. How do these battles play out in Pirate101? Do I fight against Malistaire? Where and when can I download Pirate101? When will I know if I can play in the Closed Beta? All of these and more at http://www.home.p101/free_game/questions!

If you haven't seen enough yet, stop by these pages... see some brand new concept art! Two of the images are features in this post! You'll even learn about Captain Blood. Check out this bio!

The Spiral is full of pirate legends - and not all the great captains had a heart of gold. Captain Blood, scourge of the skyways, is one of the most feared pirates to ever take sail. According to some, Blood met his match years ago, though rumors out of Cool Ranch hint that the terrible pirate may be back...

Something tells me we've discovered out new "big bad guy". Anyway, be sure to take a look around so that you'll be well-informed when KingsIsle starts releasing Beta keys!

Also keep an eye out for new Pirate101 information being moved over from my Pirate101 Blog! Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!

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