One-Year Blog-A-Versary Contest Winners and New Announcement Banner!

After reviewing over 1700 entries, and deleting over 200 invalid ones, I finally came to the end of the line, and used Rafflecopter's system (powered by to choose four winners who receive prizes according to the order in which they were selected.

Congratulations to Faiaz H., Al S., Michael, and austinmoon! Keep in mind, I do not want to send away codes to fake email addresses, so I will be asking each winner to verify their email. I have sent emails to each of the winners, so if you see your name here, and did NOT receive an email, let me know.

Check the contest page at http://www.swordroll.p101/p/blog-versary-contest.html for more information.

In other news, check out that new announcements banner in the picture! Yours may be in a slightly different spot based on your resolution, but I think that I've engineered it so that it will be visible and working on all major browsers and resolutions.

As always, feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

Onto another topic - Are you following Swordroll's Blog? If you want to make sure that you are, click on that new banner or scroll down to the Followers gadget, and click on Join this site. You'll want to be a member of the blog to take advantage of several upcoming benefits, including exclusive contests and information.

Keep your eyes out for more! Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!


  1. Grats to the winners. I love how the announcement banner is REALLY eye-catching, but (I'm a Chrome user) could you possibly move it further left? Sometimes, the banner blocks a few things (nothing scrolling can't fix) and my eyes keep shifting back to it.

  2. @The Traveler - I'll experiment with moving it further left. It's positioned according to a percent, not a certain number of pixels, so it might look different if you have a different resolution. However, using pixels would throw it completely off on some resolutions. Sounds like it's doing its job, though.

    Fortunately, it, and this design, shouldn't be here TOO much longer. :)


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