Wizard101 UK Halloween Contests!

Just in time for Halloween, Wizard101 UK is heating up with Death-themed gifts of all sorts, and some great giveaway from their fansites! However, you've already stacked up a million mounts and such, right? I suppose it can't hurt to have more, but why not offer prizes that are something you can really use? Things that crowns can't buy? Thinking of this, I opted to offer some rare reagents such as Amber, as well as rare treasure cards for crafting spells. Plus, if you're particularly lucky or skilled, you might walk away with a brand-new pet!

This is one of the busiest times of year - Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving, then Christmas. There's plenty of reason to celebrate in Wizard101 UK! I've got some celebratory competitions here! However, remember that prizes are only valid in Wizard101 UK! Here are the contests I've put together (You can also always view these on the Contests page):

Old-Fashioned Raffle
Prize(s): 1st Place - Dream Ghoul Pet and 4 Amber Reagents; 2nd Place - 1 Nightmare Pack and 4 Keeper of the Flame TCs; 3rd Place - 2 Amber Reagents and 2 Goat Monk TCs (valid only in Wizard101 UK)

Rafflecopter was a great thing... when it first came out! Nowadays, there's simply too many Rafflecopter contests - lets try it a more traditional way! An old-fashioned raffle! Be sure to follow the following directions carefully.

To enter, send an email to swordroll (at) swordroll (dot) com! Please include your wizard name, school, and current level. DO NOT include account name or password. For a valid entry, you must put "UK Halloween Raffle" in the subject line. Multiple entries will disqualify you. Your email will need to be verified if you win, but is not stored for future use. Deadline to enter is November 2nd at 11:59 PM CST.

Who doesn't love prizes? While a big mount or another house'd be great, how about something new? And how about something that money can't buy - namely rare treasure cards and reagents! The first person drawn in the raffle wins the first place prize. The second person drawn wins the second place prize, and so on. To keep things simple, there will be no swapping of prizes on my end. Trade on your own at your own risk. All Wizard101 UK Official Fansite owners are exempt from participating.

Spooky Screenshots
Prize(s): 1st Place - Evil Sandman Pet and 4 Amber Reagents; 2nd Place - 3 Amber Reagents and 4 Luminous Weaver TCs; 3rd Place - 1 Nightmare Pack (valid only in Wizard101 UK)

Let's change things up a little bit, while still keeping it simple enough! Take the spookiest screenshot you can manage in-game. Dress up your wizard, decorate a house, find a creepy location. Just be original! It is important to note that only screenshots taken in Wizard101 UK are valid, NOT the US or elsewhere.

To enter, send an email with your photo to swordroll (at) swordroll (dot) com! Please include your wizard name, school, and current level. DO NOT include account name or password. For a valid entry, you must put "UK Halloween Screenshots" in the subject line. Multiple entries will disqualify you. Your email will need to be verified if you win, but is not stored for future use. Your image may be used in a post. Deadline to enter is November 2nd at 11:59 PM CST.

Who doesn't love prizes? While a big mount or another house'd be great, how about something new? And how about something that money can't buy - namely rare treasure cards and reagents! Entries will be judged based on creativity, effort, and planning. To keep things simple, there will be no swapping of prizes on my end. Trade on your own at your own risk. All Wizard101 UK Official Fansite owners are exempt from participating.

Halloween Activities
Prize(s): 1st Place - Burning Pixie Pet and 4 Amber Reagents; 2nd Place - 1 Nightmare Pack and 3 Amber Reagents; 3rd Place - 4 Samoorai TCs (valid only in Wizard101 UK)

I'd like to know - what's your favorite Halloween-related activity in-game? Maybe farming a specific boss for Halloween Gear, or being in the Shopping District, visiting Spooky Bob. Maybe you like the Halloween quests, or the Halloween Tower?

To enter, send an email with your description to swordroll (at) swordroll (dot) com! Entries should be between 200 and 800 words. Please include your wizard name, school, and current level. DO NOT include account name or password. For a valid entry, you must put "UK Halloween Activities" in the subject line. Multiple entries will disqualify you. Your email will need to be verified if you win, but is not stored for future use. Your description may be used in a post. Deadline to enter is November 2nd at 11:59 PM CST.

Who doesn't love prizes? While a big mount or another house'd be great, how about something new? And how about something that money can't buy - namely rare treasure cards and reagents! Entries will be judged based on guideline compliance, originality, and creativity. To keep things simple, there will be no swapping of prizes on my end. Trade on your own at your own risk. All Wizard101 UK Official Fansite owners are exempt from participating.

Best of luck to all who enter! Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

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