The Prehistoric Bundle: Getting Your Local Wal-Mart Employees to Cooperate

The Prehistoric Bundle is on pre-order in Wal-Marts across the country. The question is, does your Wal-Mart have it yet? Did the employees in all of the Wal-Marts you called just check the shelves, or did they actually look for the card elsewhere? If they don't have it, when are they getting it? How will you know?

In one of my recent posts, I talked about the Prehistoric Bundle, and whether or not it might be hinting at a new world. Other discussions of this bundle are going on, mainly over whether or not the "Scare-O-Dactyl Tree house" is a literal house, a dungeon, or a housing item. Or is it a housing add-on, like KingsIsle is introducing with the Admiral's Bundle? One way or another, you need this card. So, how do you get the most out of your phone calls to Wal-Mart?

They have labelled it the "KingsIsle Wizard101 Prehistoric Bundle $29 Card," so we know it's $29, and those, like the Hawkrider Bundle, don't usually include a house. However, the one that includes a dungeon was $39.

Time to call Wal-Mart and see what they have. *Ring, ring* "Hello." "Hi, do you have a Wizard101 Prehistoric Bundle?" "No, we don't carry bundles."

Tip #1: Do your research. Don't blindly go into a call asking about something that you yourself have no idea about. If they aren't sure about something, you need to know how to address their lack of knowledge. Hopefully, this post will tell you everything you need to know.

Tip #1: Electronics, PLEASE. To learn more about the bundle, you're going to want to go to Electronics, where they carry the Wizard101 cards, and hopefully the Prehistoric Bundle! Be sure to use phrases like "please" and "thank you." After all, no one has to help you, so try to keep the employees on the line.

Tip #2: Avoid asking for a Wizard101 bundle. Let's be honest, the employees have absolutely no idea what a Kings-World Wiz-Isle Dinosaur software-dealy is. If you ask them if they have a bundle, they'll probably ask you what that is. While you might explain that it's a card with a scratch-code on the back, they're likely going to physically check for the card. You don't want that. Instead, ...

Tip #3: Give them the UPC code. While the UPC (Universal Product Code) and the Item Number are technically different, even the employees might not be aware. Offer them the following code: 0079936600434. This is the UPC for the Wizard101 Prehistoric Bundle. The advantage of giving them this is that they are forced to look it up on their computer as opposed to physically checking. That means that instead of returning to the phone with, "Well, he have this one and this one," you'll get a direct answer.

Tip #4: Ask for the order status. If you have them look it up on their computer, they should be able to see their order status. Things are put on pre-order, and over the next three weeks or less, they make their way through the transit warehouse, and finally, to the Wal-Mart warehouse, then onto shelves.

Tip #5: Please check the Telxon. If they didn't catch the status of the order, they do have the ability to. Inform the employee that you were told that they have a handheld device called a Telxon (pronounced Tell-zon) that allows them to check this status. If they do not have the device, ask to be transferred to someone who does.

Tip #6: If at first you don't succeed ... Try, try, and try again. One of these days, probably in the next week, it's going to hit stores at staggering rates, meaning some Wal-Marts are going to get it before others, so keep checking. Don't get discouraged!

Tip #7: Inform Swordroll! If your Wal-Mart has the bundle, let me know! I'd love to grab some photos of the in-game items and get to know the bundle a little bit better! I give credit for photos! You can email me at swordroll (at) gmail (dot) com or send me a tweet or Facebook message!

NOW you're ready to go shopping... or make phone calls, anyway. Let me know how it works for you! Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!


  1. Great post Swordroll! I went to 3 of my local Wal-Marts and none of them had it. At my third Wal-Mart the lady called all of the other stores in her district. None of them had it but she did say she had 30 coming in. And when she searched it on the stores computer I saw the two Pirate101 ($10 & $20) giftcards, the Admiral Bundle, and the Prehistoric Bundle. She asked me for my name, number, what I wanted when it came in. She's gonna call me the day it comes in and hold it for me. Calling didn't help me, I asked for electronics, and the I told the lady if they had the Pirate101 $29 Admirals Bundle, she came back to the phone and said that I'd have to wait because the bakery line was too long O_O

    1. Thanks! I've noticed that most have between 30 and 40 on pre-order! Be sure to follow tip number 7! :)

  2. I called my local Wal-Mart and I asked for electronics and I followed every tip up to the end of tip four where the guy said "Sorry sir, there is nothing with the order status in our system." then just hung up on me.I called them back and it was the same guy and I asked him to put it in again and he said "Ooh, you wanted the 10$ Wizard101 game card.We are currently out of them but I can put one on hold for you when the next shipment of them come in." Then there is someone yelling and the call ends, dial them back and someone speaking french (know french) is speaking to me so I just hang up and walk away.

    1. You can't win with everybody, I suppose! :D

      Remind me to stay away from your Wal-Mart.


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