Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack Review

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 has released a brand new pack and gauntlet set. First, let's take a look at the all new Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack! This Krokotopia-themed pack offers new mounts, gear, and pets, along with spellements and reagents to potentially craft the Doomsday Krok Gauntlet. Let's take a look at the pack and whether or not it's worth your crowns!

Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack: What's Inside

Packs are getting increasingly predictable in Wizard101, and this one is pretty much a carbon copy of others - three new mounts colored three different ways, three gear sets, three pets, and a variety of spellements. Like the Sinbad Hoard Pack, this one also has reagents that potentially allow you to craft the Doomsday Krok Gauntlet.

Krokosphinx Mounts & Scarab Pets

These larger mounts offer a standard 40% speed boost. There are three sets of items in this pack - Apophis, Sokar, and Setesh. There's a mount for each! While large, these are certainly unique models and are definitely pretty cool looking. If you're a Krokotopia fan, you'll definitely want these for your collection.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

These adorable Scarab pets come in three varieties just like the mounts. They have decent starting pedigrees and offer Scarab cards. They're a perfect companion for your wizard's journey through Krokotopia! You can hatch for these pets if you don't have any luck getting them from the pack.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Mount and Pet Grade: B
The community rates these items as:
Great 34% | Good 31% | Average 24% | Poor 11%

Krokotopian Gear & Wands

The gear from this pack looks pretty cool, and that's not always the case for pack gear! The stats simply aren't impressive unfortunately. Take a look at the level 130+ version of the three new sets here.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack
Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack
Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

The wands offer an impressive amount of damage but otherwise aren't terribly compelling. The damage doesn't seem to be as good even as the Zafaria Hoard Pack wands, and there really isn't anything special about them outside their may casts.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

If you are using multiple items from a set, you'll be able to activate some of the new set bonuses, providing additional stats to your wizard for using 2, 3, or 4 gear pieces from one of these sets. Here are the bonuses for each set!

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Gear and Wand Grade: C
The community rates these items as:
Great 19% | Good 10% | Average 35% | Poor 36%

Furniture, Spellements, Crafting Reagents, and More

There are quite a few miscellaneous items in this pack, including Krokotopia furniture, spellements for Blood Bat and Snow Serpent, and reagents used to craft the Doomsday Krok Gauntlet. While these reagent are alluring, they're an all-or-nothing kind of deal. There's no partial credit and if you get 299 out of the 300 Time Limes (considering the fact that Alternate Time Lines are worth 8 regular and Parallel Time Limes are worth 40 regular), they're useless and you get nothing. The furniture isn't worth anything. In fact, if it weren't for the spellements and at least the chance to get these reagents, I might completely fail the "Other Items" section of this pack, but it scrapes by with a D-.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Other Item Grade: D-
The community rates these items as:
Great 17% | Good 15% | Average 42% | Poor 26%

Pack Analysis

Like with other recent packs, look for the items of most interest in the fourth and sixth slots. New spellements and some other items will show up in other slots, and Time Limes may appear just about anywhere.

Click to enlarge pack opening samples

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack
Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack
Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack
Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack

Here's the rarity of some of the more notable items in the set:

  • Epic: Permanent Mounts
  • Ultra-Rare: Robes, Wands
  • Rare: Hats, Boots, Scarab Pets
  • 1-day and 7-day mounts seems to be marked as Epic but are more common than that

The Verdict

This pack is full of junk. There's no other way to put it. It gives jewels, but they're the lowest tier even if you're buying the level 130+ version. It gives socket wrenches, but they're also the lowest tier and not much use to a level 130 wizard. Despite showing off new models of some of the items the pack drops, the pack includes common old Krokotopia items. The pack has leftover pets, furniture, and even house guests from the Zafaria Hoard Pack, which is likely a bug which players will not be compensated for.

Time Limes don't drop at a rate that is reasonable enough to get you the gauntlet in any small number of packs. It'll likely be cheaper for you to buy it from the store. And unless you get enough reagents to craft the gauntlet, they're all worthless once you decide to stop buying the pack. Packs are always full of basic reagents and snacks, but this one is particularly bad, offering snacks that give as little as one experience.

I spent nearly 30,000 crowns on this pack. That's $30 of crowns on sale or $60 worth of crowns regularly. Despite getting lucky with two Alternate Time Limes (effectively worth 40 regular Time Limes), I only ended up with 78% of what I would have needed to craft the gauntlet, making all of those Time Limes a waste unless I invest more in the pack. I did not get all of the gear in that amount of crowns, either, nor all of the pets. I did get two of the same permanent mount.

There's very little in this pack that's worth the crowns in my opinion, but because there are a variety of items and they included spellements and the allure of being able to craft the gauntlet, this pack is okay. The new items they created for it are really pretty cool and I like the look of the gear in particular, but the pack can't earn the C or C- it might deserve because of the leftover Zafaria items and low-tier jewels, socket wrenches, and snacks. Scale them like everything else in packs, please!

Overall Grade: D+
The community rates these items as:
Great 19% | Good 22% | Average 41% | Poor 18%

Compare to:
Zafaria Hoard Pack (C) | Druid's Hoard Pack (B) | Grizzleheim Lore Pack (B-) | Pandamonium Hoard Pack (B-) | Nimbari Hoard Pack (B) | Yuletide Gingerbread Pack (C+) | Elven Nightmare Pack (C-) | Deckaversary Hoard Pack (B) | Wysteria Lore Pack (C+) | See All Packs

What have you gotten from the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!
Credits: Thanks to Queen ELuv on Twitter for sharing the stats and cards for Setesh's hat and wand!
Thanks to Fallon Lifestone for images of Setesh's Javelin.

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