Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide

The Doomsday Krok Gauntlet is the newest dungeon in Wizard101. Instead of being included in a bundle, it's available for purchase from the Wizard101 website or can be crafted in game using reagents from the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack. Here's what you can expect in the gauntlet!

How to Get the Doomsday Krok Gauntlet

This gauntlet is unique in the two ways that it's available. Your first option is to purchase it on the Wizard101 website, along with 7500 crowns, for $39. You don't get anything else, though the gauntlet does drop some new items available from the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack. Your second option is to buy the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack and collect Time Lime reagents to craft it. The recipe and transmutes are available from the vendor in the Shopping District.

As usual, you can use someone else's gauntlet, but you'll need to be friends with them. Gauntlets accessed via house tours or castle games cannot be used by just anyone. Even if you teleport to someone in the house, you may still be unable to use the gauntlet without being friends with the owner, who is not required to join you when you go in.

An Alternate Timeline in Krokotopia

Like with past gauntlets, this one has multiple tiers, which I believe are at every 20 levels up through level 100. The gauntlet will be set to the level tier of the lowest-level wizard entering with your group. Drops like the housing items and permanent mounts from the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack are available at every level, so bring a low-level characters if you want to farm those. This guide covers the highest level gauntlet.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide

Fight #1: Krokocutioner

The first fight of the gauntlet is these Krokocutioners. You'll need to stop them from executing some nearby Manders and make your way to Setesh. This is a normal fight.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide
Krokocutioner4,515 health / Storm Rank 15
Krokocutioner4,780 health / Death Rank 15
If you have only 1-2 wizards in the gauntlet, one less Death Krokocutioner will appear.

Fight #2: Empress Setesh

Now to the Empress! After freeing the Manders, you'll unlock the secret bosses (see below), and you can proceed to the Empress, who will have Krokocutioner guards. This time, however, they're Balance Krokocutioners. This is also a normal fight and shouldn't give you too much trouble. Note that once you leave Krokotopia after defeating the Empress, you will no longer have the option to defeat the secret bosses.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide
Empress Setesh5,375 health / Fire Rank 16 Elite
Krokocutioner4,780 health / Balance Rank 15
If you have only 1-2 wizards in the gauntlet, one less Balance Krokocutioner will appear.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide

Fight #3: Krokhotep

As you chase down Krokopatra and the disruptive Time Butterfly, you'll have to contend with a variety of Krokotopian bosses that stand in your way in the Valley of the Sun, the first of which if Krokhotep. This is a notable fight because it drops a variety of items from the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack. If you're in the top tier of the dungeon (level 100+), you may get items from any level tier from 100-130, however.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide
Krokhotep16,490 health / Ice Rank 17 Boss

Fight #4: Karanahn Family

The Karanahn clan can be quite the formidable foes. While their health isn't too impressive, they can certainly pack a punch, not to mention that Mkhai can cast Rebirth. Take these guys out quick and you'll be ready to move on to the final boss.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide
Aka Karanahn5,190 health / Storm Rank 15 Elite
Ati Karanahn5,375 health / Fire Rank 15 Elite
Meti Karanahn5,495 health / Death Rank 15 Elite
Mkhai Karanahn6,105 health / Life Rank 15 Elite

Fight #5: Time Butterfly & Bosses from the Past

Now for the final battle! It's a good idea to mark your spot just outside the battle in case you need to return, as it'll otherwise be quite a long walk back. Be prepared to target specific minions and enemies without killing the boss in this challenging and tedious battle!

This is one battle where your level 118 Mirage spells come in handy a lot, because you can power up as much as you want and only target specific enemies without worry of killing the Time Butterfly. Otherwise, read up on those cheats and come prepared!

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide
Time Butterfly14,780 health / Myth Rank 17 Boss
The boss will summon the following minions during the fight:
Young Morganthe5,495 health / Death Rank 15 Elite
Roberto5,375 health / Fire Rank 15 Elite
Broodmother5,495 health / Balance Rank 15 Elite

Time Butterfly Cheats:
  • Cycle One: At the start of the battle, the Time Butterfly will summon Young Morganthe. You must defeat Young Morganthe without killing the Time Butterfly, or they will both be resurrected.
  • Cycle Two: Once Young Morganthe is defeated, the Time Butterfly will summon Young Morganthe and Roberto. You must defeat the two without killing the Time Butterfly or they will all be resurrected.
  • Cycle Three: Once Young Morganthe and Roberto are defeated, the Time Butterfly will summon Young Morganthe, Roberto, and Broodmother. You must defeat the three without killing the Time Butterfly or they will all be resurrected.
  • Following the defeat of all minions in these cycles, you may defeat the Time Butterfly. Note that sometimes the resurrection cheat will include a 55% Tower Shield on all enemies.
  • You're late... Or are you early? Wizards who enter the battle late will be stunned for two rounds.
  • If you try to cast a Feint on the boss, it will interrupt to use an Ice spell to switch the Feint with the trap on the caster. This can be avoided by using Indemnity. Mass Feint does not trigger this cheat.
  • At the end every other round, the Time Butterfly will grant one power pip to itself and any enemies it has summoned and will switch the turn order just like the Old Cob battle.
  • Note that the Butterfly has some non-cheat tricks up its sleeve, including a natural attack that removes a pip from the target and the ability to remove traps on itself with Cleanse Ward on its turn.
  • Special Trick: If you kill the butterfly on a turn where it is summoning minions after Cycle One, the butterfly will stay dead and you only need to defeat the minions that were summoned that round. Note that the turn-order-changing cheat will still occur.
Young Morganthe Cheats:
  • Time for a new strategy! At the beginning of the round, if a wizard has 8 or more pips, Young Morganthe will interrupt to cast Mana Burn on the wizard with the most pips, removing 3 of them. This cheat will convert power pips to regular pips, so 10 pips (5 power pips) would be knocked down to 7 (4 power pips and 1 regular).
  • No more of that! If you cast a ward (shield or trap, including Feint and shields placed by spells like Rebirth), Young Morganthe will interrupt and cast Power Nova, followed by an Earthquake which hits all enemies and herself, removing all charms and wards. 
Broodmother Cheats:
  • Give me your health, drone! If Broodmother is damaged, she will interrupt at the end of the round to cast Sacrifice, dealing around 2,000 damage to the Time Butterfly and healing herself.

Congratulations! You've completed the gauntlet! There is currently no badge available.

Secret Boss: Cybermanders

After completing the first fight and freeing the Manders, a portal behind a nearby pyramid will open, allowing you to fight the secret bosses! You can potentially get things like permanent mounts from the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack here, although you're better off farming these guys at a lower tier for their items. There are no cheats.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide
Balance Cybermander15,115 health / Balance Rank 17 Boss
Fire Cybermander14,780 health / Fire Rank 17 Boss
Myth Cybermander14,780 health / Myth Rank 17 Boss
Ice Cybermander16,490 health / Ice Rank 17 Boss
If you have only 1-2 wizards in the gauntlet, the Ice Cybermander will not appear.

Cosmetic Items Vendor & Other Rewards

At the end of gauntlet, when you return to the inner working of The Professor's machine, a vendor named Harq'Ness will appear. He will randomly be offering either hats, robes, boots, or wands. The items he sells are cosmetic versions (no stats) of the Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack gear. They have different names and all cost 125,000 gold each, regardless of your level or the gauntlet tier.

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide
Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide

Besides just Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack items, new furniture also drops in the gauntlet, including Krok Statue Flex, Krok Statue Thumbs Up, Mini Pyramid, and Doohicky. You can also get Elemental Retriever and Smoke Screen Tokens for your pets. Most of the goodies come from Krokhotep, the Time Butterfly, and the Cybermanders.

What do you think of the Doomsday Krok Gauntlet?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!
Credits: Thanks to Iridian Willowglen and Daniel Sunsword for their assistance running some gauntlet fights!

Wizard101 Doomsday Krok Gauntlet Guide

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