Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories

Besides just being a great end-world boss and enemy for the second arc, Morganthe drops some great gear for high-level Wizard101 players. Let's take a look at the athames, amulets, and rings that she offers and why they're important.


We're first introduced to Morganthe in Celestia - our first meeting is in The Chancel. We learn about her rejection from obtaining astral magic and her troubles while studying in Avalon, as well as her journey into Khrysalis and descent into deviant behavior. In the second part of Khrysalis, we finally get to battle this foe to stop a re-shaping of the Spiral using the Song of Creation!

Morganthe is located inside the Shadow Palace in Khrysalis. You can get here quickly by using the Hive teleporter in the Silent Market, then going up a nearby ladder. She splits into four forms - Ice, Death, Storm, and Balance.

Athame Drops

Morganthe's athames have been used fairly interchangeably with Darkmoor athames from Yevgeny NightCreeper. However, the Morganthe athames give school-specific damage and don't have the accuracy bonus. That said, they're the second best alternative to the Darkmoor athames and one could argue that they're easier to farm.
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories

Amulet Drops

Morganthe has had the best amulets available for some time now. The only items that really rival them are the Amulet of Divine Influence and Darkmoor's second tier of amulets. However, neither of these has significantly better stats and neither gives the very useful item blades that Morganthe's amulets do. 
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories

Ring Drops

While Aphrodite II has the best ring drops out there, Morganthe's are up among the best available. You won't see these rings quite as often due to the fact that the Alpha and Omega Ring can offer superior damage, as can an increasing number of other rings. However, these are still a great, balanced choice for any wizard.
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories

Items by School

Take a look at the three items your wizard might want from Morganthe sorted by school below.

Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Balance Athame
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Balance Amulet
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Balance Ring
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Death Athame
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Death Amulet
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Death Ring
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Fire Athame
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Fire Amulet
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Fire Ring
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Ice Athame
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Ice Amulet
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Ice Ring
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Life Athame
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Life Amulet
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Life Ring
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Myth Athame
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Myth Amulet
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Myth Ring
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Storm Athame
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Storm Amulet
Wizard101 Morganthe Drop Guide: Accessories
Storm Ring

Why They Matter

Over the course of this month, I'll be doing a sort of "Significant Gear Series" that covers the most important sets and items that have defined where wizards farm, how they build their setups, and more. This will be an opportunity to compare stats and discuss structure. We'll cover everything from Waterworks to Darkmoor to some of the more recent sets. In the future, we may go further back.

I've talked a lot recently about the importance of bosses like Morganthe. In my write-up on The Trouble with End-World Bosses, I discuss the issues with newer fights and their difficulty. Morganthe, as I explain in that article, is a shining example of how to do a great boss fight. It's epic in scale, it's tough to get there, it's not an easy fight, there are great animation and worthwhile drops, etc. Not all fights meet those same criteria these days.

These level 99+ items didn't break a long streak of the same items being used like Krokopatra Hats started to with Darkmoor gear, or as Darkmoor gear did with Waterworks gear. But they were one of the first items that really caught on universally - that is, everyone was at lest trying for these accessories from Morganthe. Not everyone necessarily went after Hades gear if they had their Waterworks set, but with the accessibility of Morganthe, it was a great place to farm.

The other thing that's interesting about this gear (especially at the time it came out before Darkmoor) is that it wasn't the perfect piece. There's still a decent argument to use the Alpha & Omega Ring or other alternatives. This wasn't an automatic must-have and must-use, and that's how gear should be. It created a little more diversity in the types of accessories that players, especially the more dedicated and high-level ones, were wearing.

Do you still use any of your Morganthe gear?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

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