Pirate101 Producer's Letter Suggests Multi-World Summer Update

Coming up on two years since the last storyline update to Pirate and having seen numerous retention mechanisms implemented, players are wondering just what Pirate has up their sleeves. Among cancelled memberships and closed accounts lies a gem of hope that suggests the largest release to date in KingsIsle games, and this epic next segment seems to be one most certainly worth waiting for.

The Frogfather's Hint

Though the post was quite some time ago, it was examined to mean Grizzleheim. However, with a Valencia extension expected, we know we're getting more than one world and can thus expect that this might be a rather large update. The Frogfather posted this:

Oh yeah, while school may be out, the Spiral remains a-spinning and we’ll continue to upgrade and polish and add new Piratey goodies for your consumption. We’ll have more to discuss soon, and I don’t want to Boar anyone with details, so let me just wish you the best of summer fun and offer a few words of guidance for the coming months: temperatures can sometimes be a Bear as summer moves along, and heat rises just as the sun in the Far East. So be careful climbing stairs, hydrate to avoid a Stitch in your side, and don’t be afraid to seek assistance. Remain Cool and seek shortcuts if travelling long distances, and keep extra provisions on hand to swap out or trade with new friends you might meet – summer is always a great time to make new friends. And another thing to keep – Whoa! Look at the time! I have to run back and meet with my Boss about some things real quick, so let me quit the jibber-jabber as I’m sure you’re dyeing to get back outside and play capture the Flag, or if you’re tired of that, switch things up, and stay inside and play PIRATE101!!

A Year In the Making

This was posted last June. The Frogfather makes note of summer and the "the coming months," but never specifies when exactly that is. To be clear, this was last summer. But, perhaps he means this one. After nearly two years without an update, there'd be no better time.

Capitalized words are significant. So let's examine every word that we wouldn't normally see capitalized.

Boar - A widespread animal race in Grizzleheim, a clear indication that the world is in the works
Bear - The most abundant race in Grizzleheim, avid traders, and also having a pavilion in the pet arena
Far East - Referring to East Asia
Stitch - Possibly referencing stitching and unstitching abilities in-game
Cool - Something cold or chilly
Boss - Extremely general enemy reference, potentially meaning the Armada
Flag - Potential new minigame or housing function, otherwise a mystery

"Temperatures can be a Bear"

Indeed, they can, but not just in the sun! Grizzleheim is a cold world hinted at by both the "Bear" capitalization and likely the sentence itself. Grizzleheim should really come as no surprise to most players for a number of reasons, one being the Grizzleheim pavilion and pack. If KingsIsle is looking to maximize profits, it's not in their best interests to do bear models and attacks for just one pack. 

"Heat rises like the sun in the Far East"

Being East Asia, most people think this means we're going back to Mooshu. I disagree. Also falling within Eastern Asia is India, a neighbor to Egypt, a neighbor to the middle east and Krokotopia-related areas. I think this means we're going to Mirage. Or perhaps a very outer edge of Krokotopia, where Mirage is the hub at which we land.

"Be careful climbing stairs"

This contains no capital word, but seems to me to be a particularly odd phrase. It doesn't make sense in context, or add to the summer theme, so I question what hidden meaning this phrase has. Perhaps it's a story hint, or teasing us with a metaphor for PvP ranks.

"Hydrate to avoid a Stitch in your side"

This serves two purposes to me. Not only does it keep in-line with the summer theme, but the heat also goes right along with the idea of Mirage, where "heat rises like the sun." The "Stitch" may refer to stitching accessories, though this came a month before the producer's letter was released. Perhaps we will see expanded stitching options, or this was simply a throwback to the last update.

"Don't be afraid to seek assistance"

The obvious answer here is companions - lots of new ones! However, we might also find help from other places. Many have see Captain Avery attack animations loading in Avery's Court, and we know that "G" is on our side based on the note we received at the end of Aquila.

"Remain Cool and seek shortcuts if travelling long distances"

Cool might be another nod to the heat of Mirage, but more likely, this is a reference to Polaris. We've seen concept art in Lydia Greyrose's Ravenwood video, and it's hanging left and right in homes throughout the Spiral. It's even in a puppet show, and a whole section of the story focuses on Napolenguin. Penguin and polar bear models are finished, and pirates are more than ready to venture into this long-spoken-of world. Your move, KingsIsle.

"Keep extra provisions on hand to swap out or trade with new friends you might meet"

This could simply mean new doubloons to trade, but they don't seem like provisions. Seeing that KingsIsle is not a fan of the idea of gear trading, I'm forced to conclude that this means crafting or its equivalent in Pirate101. My guess is that whatever reagents or elements are required, we'll be able to trade them.

"Dyeing to get back outside"

Flag dyeing also came right before this newsletter, which may not only mean it's referencing the past update, but may also then confirm that "Stitch" refers to the same thing.

"Capture the Flag"

Initially, I thought this sentence might be directly referencing a new minigame or housing game, but upon further review, I take flag to mean banner. We know already that new battle standards are in the works, and we saw several with the Moo Manchu tower update. What could be next?

Pollo's Crew and Other Hints

Don't forget, we're still missing the eighth member of Pollo's crew, and we have at least one (depending on your class, possibly more) members of Pollo's crew now on our own, so their insights are going to come into play very quickly as the final fourth of the first arc comes to a close. For more on the eighth member of the crew and other theories, click HERE.

Blind Mew's Confirmation

Many of these worlds should come as no surprise because Blind Mew has already confirmed them. Too often people ask, "I wonder if we'll go to Polaris?" As Blind Mew states, it's not if, but when. In fact, he's confirmed a number of worlds already:

  • Polaris
  • Darkmoor
  • Grizzleheim
  • Krokotopia
  • Valencia Expansion

There are also many other theories out there, including some for Wizard City.

Holding Tight

Despite the long wait, the Frogfather seems to suggest an update of epic proportions. No matter what the case, Pirates are waiting for their next adventure, and when Captain Avery calls, we'll be there!

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!


  1. Is this coming with a Level Cap Raise.... or will we still have to wait until the Cap Raises to play it?

  2. What would happen if Polaris was released for W101 at the same time that it is for P101? There could be the same type of NPCS and creatures, and maybe there could be some kind of crossover.


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