Contest Winners and Guides Addition

With all that has happened recently, I've been a bit delayed on these announcements, though winners were contacted and sent prizes yesterday and the 31st. So here they are - your December contest winners and new Zeke guides!

Congratulations, Winners

This December, I hosted three contests. One was a Christmas Puzzle, with pieces hidden all over the site. Another was a simple raffle. These were for exclusive Blue Raptor Blades and Storm Beetle Pets in Wizard101 UK. 

The final one was an Advent Calendar, with an image changing every day for twenty-five days that required players from either Wizard101 or Pirate101 to return daily and submit the correct creature, NPC, or even island in the submission box. 

Wizard101 UK Christmas Puzzle Contest
Blue Raptor Blade + Storm Beetle Pet - Marissa Dragontail

Wizard101 UK Raffle
Blue Raptor Blade + Storm Beetle Pet - Blaze Titan

Wizard101/Pirate101 Advent Calendar
10,000 Crowns - CoralFish41
Other, randomly selected winners received party packs, Beckett wands, and more!

New Zeke Guides

The two remaining Pirate101 Zeke guides have been added to the Zeke Guides section of the Guides page. As per the usual, these are organized by world. Within the world, they're organized by skyway, and approximately by which order you access them in the storyline (Thanks to Cret92 for assistance with the order). In addition, they have docking locations, a description, an image when you mouseover, and a full, rendered map when you click.

Some of the Marleybone ones are particularly tricky. A lot of them are inside instances, and many are without a map. There's even one where the map has an arrow at the wrong entrance area, so that throws people off. I've made note of these things and even included a double map in one case to account for these complexities. Check out these new guides HERE.

Feedback, Feedback

As usual, I'm always looking for feedback on these contests and updates - what could improve? What could be done differently? Your opinion is important to me.

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!


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