January Character Update

Wizard101 Azteca

January has been a busy month in the Spiral, despite none of the new, anticipated content from either game (hold off on that, I have a few theories, first). Between both Wizard and Pirate, I've found some time to enjoy a few interesting side quests, farm various bosses, and start a couple of projects. Here's a quick look!

Tzolk'in Stones Tell the Story of the Spiral

In Wizard, I've been picking up a few side quests. I did one particular one in Azteca that was a sort of lore quest, involving running around collecting stones. The highlight was assembling them in this underground temple! I did an expanded article on that and what it might tell us about the upcoming updates in both games HERE. There, you'll also see the stones and story.

Wizard101 Azteca

I'd never given much thought to Azteca as a world full of lore, but it turns out that it deserves a place in the books! The Lords of Night were present when the Spiral was ripped apart, and got to hear the song of creation from Bartleby himself. Of course, the tune isn't completely unfamiliar, though it's a little less pleasant coming from a source that's pure evil.

I picked up another quest that ties less into Pirate and more into a Wizard world background that I'll be sharing in the coming month. I think you'll find that one interesting as well.

Farming and More Farming

My pirate has been busy running around the Spiral trying to get a wide variety of items for an equally wide variety of purposes. I had originally made a list of necessary items for PvP and PvE, though I'm going to try a universal setup in PvP this next month. I plan on getting in on a Pirate101 Central ladder or just putting together some matches for fun. I haven't done as much PvP as I'd like, but I plan on refreshing myself, in spite of Nausica, the ultimate anti-Musk.

Speaking of Nausica, I figure she wouldn't be half as much a threat if not for Musketeers activating all of her True Grits with their Quick Draw 2. I also noticed that some other classes have powers like Loud 2 that require no other powers to train, and that aren't a requirement for training any higher-level powers, meaning you could, in theory, skip them entirely. This is true with Quick Draw 2, except that I've already trained it, and even buying back my points wouldn't reset that power, though I believe it should.

The remainder of my farming with probably be at the Necromancer's House in MooShu, where I'll be patiently attempting to obtain a certain charm with Mournsong. I'm ultimately still deciding if I want to do a purely Musketeer setup for PvP, or one involving a bit of melee as well - those charges and strikes can be deadly, after all. This particularly charm is needed for either setup, however.

It's been a lot of running around and trying various bosses, some because they have interesting items, and others for a change of scenery. Right now, I'm going after items with the stats or cards I want. Cosmetic items come next, and there'll be plenty of those to collect. Once Captain Swing (see his gear HERE) is made available to everyone again, he'll be one of my first stops.

Pirate101 Marleybone

A Real Summary of January

Besides what I've been up to, I can tell you that January has largely been a month of waiting. We did get some great new furniture in Pirate101 from Dueling Diego, but no word on Khrysalis Part 2 or the big Pirate101 update that they've been hinting at with photos for a few months now. Essentially, January in the community was four words...

Everyone is pretty anxious, but patiently awaiting! I'm sure it'll catch us by surprise when it does come. What have you all been up to this January?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!


  1. Can you add me to your blog list? Thank you. :)

  2. Is it okay if I use Realse the test realm gif on p101 central? oh and great bllog, it was a really interesting read

    1. Hey, thanks! If there's anything here you want posted on Pirate101 Central, I'd be more than happy to post it there!


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