Wizard101's 5th Birthday Has Begun!

Wizard101's fifth birthday is already underway, and it has brought many surprises with it. First of all, redeem the code "bday5" to get a limited-time Confetti Cannon, and a gift based on when you created your account. For all of that information, go HERE, but I'm guessing you're interesting the things you haven't seen!

Wizard101's 5th Birthday Trailer

Thanks to the help of a few people, I was able to put together this quick trailer for Wizard101's fifth birthday!

Credits: Thanks to Eli Stormheart and Seth Earthhunter for flying their dragons in the video. Thanks to ReelFX for the ending clip. Thanks to KingsIsle for the soundtrack - "Grizzleheim Derby Theme". Thanks to Freesound.org for the effects. All items in this video are copyright KingsIsle Entertainment. No copyright infringement intended.

Dragons and More Dragons

One highlight of the giveaway has been the dragon mounts - only players from beta and before get the Pioneer Dragon Mount, and only players who created their accounts in the first year receive the Frontier Dragon mount. Several have argued that this isn't fair.

Ultimately, KingsIsle is a company like any other and they reward loyalty. Many other games do the same, but be thankful that KingsIsle gives only cosmetic items, and not true advantages as some other games do. Be appreciative!

You can one of three dragon statues that you can interact with for your house no matter when you created your account, plus you get the Confetti Cannon, so take advantage of the opportunity to redeem that code!

WE Get the Gifts!

KingsIsle has placed a variety of gifts - one per realm per world hub, and they do respawn. Katherine Light has put together a set of maps with all of the locations HERE, but if you wonder around, you're bound to find one.

The picture above is one that I made of potential badges for grabbing presents! These are only my ideas. They can be tough to find, but I believe they'll be here all month in celebration of Wizard101's fifth birthday. So while the excitement is still alive now, it should die down as the month progresses... after it begins.

"Box Spotter"
Locate and open 1 present during W101's 5th Birthday

"Gift Getter"
Locate and open 50 presents during W101's 5th Birthday
Redeem the code "bday5" and claim your items

"Present Sniper"
Locate and open 100 presents during W101's 5th Birthday
Redeem the code "bday5" and claim your items
Log on the day of W101's 5th Birthday - Sept. 2, 2013

Additional Plans

Celebrations are already being planned in-game! Raffles on Central are up, and contests on fansites are starting soon. As September begins, I'll be covering Wizard101 and how it has changed in a five-part mini-series (one post per year) beginning next Wednesday.

Are you excited for Wizard101's fifth birthday!? Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!


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    and maybe add us to your blogroll.
    See you round the Spiral! Tabitha WildGem

    1. Hello, Tabitha!

      I think your blog is doing great for its first couple months - I really hope you keep in up! I've tweeted about it and added it to the Community page to hopefully help you out a little bit. Thanks for letting me know about your site, I always love seeing new ones!



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