Wizard101 School Furniture Sets Go Live in China!

Wizard101 China! A whole new realm with much to be discovered. Recently, they released a few things that I think you'll be interested in - school furniture sets! Just as pirates recently gained the option to purchase class furniture sets, so shall wizards be able to purchase sets from their school - but not just one or two!

精靈101中國!一個全新的境界,很多被發現。最近,他們公佈了一些事情,我想你一定會感興趣的 - 學校家具套!正如海盜最近獲得選擇購買一流的家具套,所以嚮導能夠從他們的學校購買套 - 但不是只有一個或兩個!

Wizard101 China?!

The Chinese version of Wizard101 is a little bit different. Just like the United Kingdom version is run by Gameforge, the Mainland China and Taiwan games are run by another company. That means that the release of items can vary from other parts of the world... and as it turns out, reporting on China could answer some questions elsewhere!

Things there are altered slightly. Just enough to be interesting. I pulled the card images above from the Bazaar. The left is their equivalent of our Skeletal Pirate - they don't do skeletons, remember? The middle one is the Bone Dragon. The right is actually Lord Nightshade, but the card image is just like the Wraith - the skull has been removed and replaced with eyes. I like it!

But That Isn't All!

They've also got some interesting things in the Crown Shop! For example, a few housing items. Maybe I'm just behind, but I don't believe I've seen these items in the US version. (Click to make larger)

Other than those, the main highlight in the Crown Shop would have to be some of their new packs. Yesterday, the US version got three Celestia, Krokotopia, and Zafaria themed furniture sets, for a total of nine. It appears that they only received the three Krokotopian ones - but they also got another surprise...

School Furniture Sets!

You heard right! Wizard101 China introduced not one, not two, but three packs of Storm furniture. That's quite a few pieces! Following that, some of the other school items were discovered in the Taiwan version version of the game.


Check these out! (Click to enlarge)

Of course, this can only mean that school furniture sets are on their way elsewhere, but here's to Chinese wizards! Enjoy these brand new furniture sets! Do you think these furniture sets are coming to the other version of Wizard101? 

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral! Credits: Thanks to Alexander Lionheart for discovering these packs in the China version of the game, and to Johnny for noticing other sets in the Taiwan version. Posted with Alex's permission.


  1. It's a possibility, but I'm guessing it'll probably release only in the Asian editions...
    who knows. I could be wrong.

  2. How do you get on W101 China? :P

    1. Just like you do the US, expect through the China website and client. ;)


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