Wizard101 Olympian Bundle and Atlantean Bundle, Plus Test Realm Updates!

Wizard101 Olympian Bundle
Wizard101 Olympian Bundle

Wow! In the history of Wizard101, I don't think we've ever seen a day as busy as this one. There's the new Wizard101 Olympian Bundle, Wizard101 Atlantean Bundle, gorilla mounts, and so much more. With more players than ever, this much new content in such little time has got everyone confused on what's what and who's where and how you get this and that. I'm here to clear the confusion, and explain the updates!

The Wizard101 Olympian Bundle

The Wizard101 Olympian Bundle is the one you see above. This brand-new bundle from GameStop features an Aquilan Palace, Fortune-Telling Oracle, Two-person Chariot Mount, Trojan Horse pet, Gladiator Armor, sword, and shield, plus the usual 5000 crowns or 1-month subscription to either game.

As of right now, most of the bundle does not function properly. They come up as "Unknown Item" in your gifting window. However, the mount and pet work just fine, with the other items (most importantly, that Aquila Palace) on the way.

The two-person Chariot is really something. Its bold colors are quite attractive, and its animations are fun. This is Jack Silversong and I riding on the Chariot - me driving, and him balancing in the back.

The best part is the idle animation, when Jack would tap my shoulder, I'd turn around, and he'd give me two thumbs up. Then I'd nod my head, give him a thumbs up, and turn back. Definitely one of the more complex idle animations!

The pet is equally as interesting. This Trojan Horse has one epic slot and gives Gnomes! at baby. It rolls along next to you.

The Wizard101 Atlantean Bundle

This underwater bundle is perfect for any wizard who doesn't mind getting wet... or who just wants an epic mount! The Wizard101 Atlantean Bundle is available from Wal-Mart.

Wizard101 Atlantean Bundle
Wizard101 Atlantean Bundle
Though this bundle lacks a house, its $29 price tag is definitely worth it. The whale mount is huge, and very well done. It is, in fact, the Pygmy Gray Whale, as we all predicted. It looks a little bit like I thought it might. I am actually really font of how it looks. It's, again, quite large.

The fish pet is lovely as well. The armor and harpoon are not working correctly, but they look very interesting on the card to the left.

What I'm really interested in is the Magic Fish Tank, which is actually the "Fantastic Fish Bowl." It has its own interior and is placed as a housing item. It probably works like the treehouse.

However, it isn't currently functioning, and was actually preventing players from logging in completely on the character that tried to use it. I'll be interested to see what this one ends up looking like.

Tournaments Offer New Gear, Pets, and Mounts

With the opening of the Test Realm, we're seeing the introduction of PvP tournaments. They're pre-made, so as of now, you can't make your own. They have 1v1 through 4v4, alternating every hour with a new tournament. When you enter, you'll play a total of four match to determine your spot, win or lose. And, you can get nice rewards for any place. For example, out of sixteen places, I got fifteenth in one match, and got a brand-new deck! Or in another case, a user got 7th and got a permanent mount - the Battle Gorilla!

Now, when this guy loaded, it loaded four tiers, so I assume there are three other gorillas... not to mention a variety of new gear of all types and appearances! Plus, there's even new Death Unicorn pets of various colors with new may-cast talents, including global spells and Elemental Shield.

A New Way to Play

Now available (currently only in the Test Realm) to purchase from the Crown Shop for gold or crowns are several new instruments, which have all sorts of notes that you can play, or preset loops of music to choose. You can even synchronize all of your instruments to play together!

A Mysterious Wizard Hints at New Content

A KingsIsle employee was around today, showing off new gear, new pets, new mounts, and this and that. Some of it turned out to be arena awards, and other items were part of the new bundles. However, some items were not accounted for, so we'll just have to wait and see.

What was really interested was his cards. He used 80% and 90% Tower Shields in PvP matches that weren't treasure cards. And he used spells that had two enchantments. Could this mean PvP-only cards in the future? Could they be like this? I think so!

More News

Of course, with tournaments comes new badges with points (and badges for number of tournament wins), new leaderboards, and new interfaces. Diego also has a new quest. One thing that's really interesting about these tournaments, though, is that they have time limits that run down during rounds, but not during spell animations. When the clock reaches zero, Diego teleports to the center of the arena and picks a winner (many believe it is based on the total damage dealt).

Your Thoughts?

I'll be keeping you up to date on all of these topics over the coming weeks! Until then, what do you think? What are you most looking forward to?

Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral! Credits: Thanks to "$eth" for showing us his Atlantean Bundle and providing a photo of the bundle image. Thanks to Jack Dawnsong for riding along in the Chariot for a photo.


  1. i'm not that high level as those guys in the pictures- since you cant make that battles, i could be in a tournament with guys more powerful than me, right? so should i try to level up first or just go for it? everyone gets a prize, don't they?

    1. You don't need to be a high level. The tournament is based upon the new PvP rules that heavily base battles on your level. The only problem with Tournaments is sometimes they won't have enough people at your level. When I tried to enter a 3v3 I was left out because I there weren't enough people my level (I was a level 90 so). But I'd go ahead and try it here or there. Everyone does get a prize. Not all are great but a prize is a prize :) Have Fun!

  2. could you do a bundle contest? after seeing these bundles, i realized that i could make a bundle just as good as those. i got pretty good ideas, but you can only see them if you make a contest. i'm sure other people have good bundle ideas too. and maybe the prizes could be an Olympian or Atlantean bundle? just a thought.

  3. Aquila, ooh come on!First we have to test it for Pirate101 (which has stopped sense that Troy puppet show lags on my computer) but don't tell me I am gonna have to get money to buy more henchmen for Azteca to get to max level or ask for help!

    Now there better be derby tournaments KI. :D

  4. I think this time, the new world would be based with the gods... because the release of the bundles are just like the super bundle - not letting people now, which then released Zafaria

  5. Where are the Bundles going to be sold at? Wal-Mart? United States? Australia?

  6. i'm so getting the olympian bundle because of well everything in it the house the horse the pet the gear the weapons

  7. Does anyone know what the house looks like yet?

    1. Not yet; it still isn't working. I'll post a video here when it is.

  8. I went to Walmart and Gamestop and neither place had them. i contacted support today just to ask about them but they haven't replied yet. Are they in the US?

    1. They are, but they haven't been officially released, and everything isn't working yet. I'll bet you'll find them by the first of June.

    2. Support shouldn't be at work today considering it's Sunday and then tomorrow is Memorial Day, and I've seen them at Walmart and Gamestop, I think you just need to wait for a shipment.

  9. I got another update about our fantastic glitch bundles. I reported the incident and they said: Hi there,

    We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience. We are still working on some of the items contained in the new bundles. These items are "Coming Soon!" and should be available in the near future.

    In the meantime, anyone redeeming the bundle items will see "Unknown" items appear in the gift list. These are the rewards from the bundle, but they will not be able to be redeemed them until we have finished our work. Once the items have been updated with their proper names, they will be able to be claimed.

    We expect the items to be available by the end of the month. Please let us know if you have further questions!

    KingsIsle Support

  10. Excuse me, SwordRoll? But I've heard of a rumor about a new bundle called the WinterGale bundle and it comes with a polar bear pet that gives mammoth and is available at Wal-Mart, is this true? I know the pet is true, it loaded and I've seen 3 so far.

    1. That's exactly right. I have the Polar Bear pet actually. I'll do some coverage on that tomorrow morning for you. There's not much information, but I'll share what I have with you in a new post!

  11. Ok, thanks.

    I'm glad I found this website, it's been a huge help with KingsIsle's mystery bundles.

  12. Thanks, I'm glad actually using this website. It's been a huge help with all of KingsIsle's annoying but surprisingly fun mystery bundles.

    Time to add more to the birthday wish list. :P

    1. No problem - it's just as much fun for me to post as it is you to read! LOL!

      Yeah, it's kind of odd. Three new bundles in a couple of weeks? Gosh, where are Pirate101's Bundles? :P

    2. I guess Pirate101 is less cared about, which I'm happy about because it just got TWO new worlds. Wizard101 needs to up their game :D

    3. I'm hoping for a Marleybone bundle in Pirate101 because I love the Pirate101 version of MB.

    4. @Dylan Sunthief KI cares bout Pirate still but since the two worlds been released, they think it's enough for the game for now. Besides, they're working on the bugs and tweaking it still. I wonder if Aquila will be the next Wizard101 world and they'll come right after we leave.
      @Anonymous A Marleybone bundle could be well on it's way but not this time round cause KI just updated the game with allot of fun stuff so they might do a Bundle for Pirate101 soon so that game the community is happy. They'll say it's unfair KI game Wizard 3 BUNDLES but not Pirates and the Olympian Bundle should've been for Pirates but there is always a reason why it's on Wizard but not Pirate.

    5. JOSHUA! I KNOW YOU, I think, IT's Hunter BlueRider

  13. The Acropolis House Is HUGE, & Perfect For The Wizardly Awards, Planning On Getting On Soon, It Has a mini maze. and more than 20+ rooms!

  14. Thank you so much for the information!
    The bundles look amazing, thanks for the pictures! :)

  15. Is the video up yet and if so where is it?

  16. Acropolis and Olympian Bundle video IS up at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSIZOoogB4Q. I'll have videos of all three new bundles later tonight.

  17. OK, thank you and is the Acropolis house the fourth bundle released?

  18. O! One other questions for you. Like the previous bundles does the Olympian Bundle provide an additional castle elixir?

  19. Uh, I feel like I've posted on here the most at least this month, all those Anonymous people are mostly mwah. :P But when your videos are up, can you please post them here so this way I've got easy entry to them?

    1. LOL! Try following, and keep track of your comments! :P

      Yep, I'll be sure to post them here in a post when they're done. The Wintergale one has a full dungeon run, so that could be a while.

  20. It's a dungeon! :D A new annoying Pagoda based dungeon, hooray!

  21. Just saw the Atlantean!
    Or however you spell it.

  22. Is the WinterGale video ready yet or will it be in the morning?

    1. The entire dungeon was just too long to include, so I cut it down to the beginning and end of each battle, while also showing you the gear, mount, pet, and wand. And I've got a link for the card. The video has about 15 more minutes until it's done uploading, then I've got some quick edits, processing, and the post is ready to go as soon as I plug in the video. Shouldn't be more than an hour away, hopefully sooner.

    2. YAY! I cannot wait to see the bundles as well as include them as "EMERGENCY PRIOTRITY" items to my birthday wish list. Or money. Also can you tell me where they can be bought? Well the WinterGale anyways.

      Thanks again, Mr. Anonymous.

    3. Posted! http://www.swordroll.p101/2013/05/wizard101-olympian-atlantean-winterbane-bundle.html ;)

    4. By the way, I never saw the picture of the bundle or where it is. Could you send a link or something?

    5. Check my most recent post - it has links to all bundle images and videos of contents. Also, I have the official bundle images that I'll be editing into that post this afternoon, though they're not as good of quality as the ones in this post.

  23. Thanks and it's about time that they bring a wyrm and yeti back in style but I don't agree with the designs.

  24. Lots of awesome new mounts and pets, sweet!


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