Concept101: Where Wizards Walked

Wizard101 has long surprised us with new worlds. But Pirate101 opens the door for possible extensions to worlds from Wizard101. Several are very present in the story, while others are not as much. Nonetheless, these unknown worlds are still in the worlds. And I'm about to confirm one for you.

Pirate101's Krokotopia ought to be interesting. It was interesting in Wizard101, with the elemental environments, secret shop, boat, and enemies. I liked it. Pirate101, then, ought to do a great job of recreating it, just as they did with Marleybone.

The Backstory

According to Pirate101's website:

With colonies in Skull Island, Darkmoor, and Krokotopia and trade agreements nearly everywhere else, protecting the flow of ships between colonies and especially through Stormgates is Marleybone's highest priority.

We've visited one of those places and assume that the other is a future world, but what about Krokotopia? No one thought much of the text at the time, but we now know that it may very well be on its way.

A String of Hints

The first real signs of Krokotopia we had were the example for the Premium Area Sign. It reads: "To play in Krokotopia Skyway, you will need to either Pay By Area OR Subscribe!"

However, with the price of 750 crowns, this probably isn't permanent. Plus, I'm going to guess that it isn't called "Krokotopia Skyway."

The next real signs of Krokotopia we saw were in Marco Pollo's map. The map contained only worlds we knew about or that had been directly mentioned in the game. Cool Ranch did not get a set of numbers for the final code, but Krokotopia did - shouldn't that have been a hint of its importance?

Notice that the light there connects to Aquila, which connects to Valencia. Well, Valencia actually has an existing stormgate to Aquila, and Aquila has several unused stormgates. Besides that, Aquila and Krokotopia are very similar in color scheme, at least based on the look of the skyways. Could this map really tell us that we're going to Krokotopia in the near future from Aquila? I'd bet on it.

Ok, Let's See This Concept!

This is the concept of three or four completed islands for Pirate101. As you can see, you've got one big one in the front with a snake, and several in the back with a Phoenix and tomb entrance. Below that are four photos showing the finished areas.

[Concept Removed until further notice]

Notice the copyright date on KingsIsle there. It's 2010-2011! They started working on this after the release of Wizard101's Krokotopia, but well before Pirate101 even introduced new worlds... or even the game!

Additional Work

Krokotopia will definitely be different. I'm already wondering what sort of NPCs and enemies and companions we'll see.

Above, you'll see some of the flags there. When I received these, they were labelled "Dr. Fate Banners." Who's Dr. Fate? I'm interested!

In-Game Connection

Krokotopia was one of the launch worlds for Wizard101, but hasn't yet shown up in Pirate101. However, it's perfect. Krokotopia is already a string of islands that's much less stable than Wizard City and Marleybone. It's connected by bridges and boats, which you can see a little bit of next to the dock in the concept.

A couple of other people brought up the fact that one of the NPCs that sails the boat in Krokotopia has the title: "Sailor of the Eight Sands." That leaves us to wonder if Krokotopia will be a full and developed world, or just a single skyway like many words.

Concept Credits

All of these concepts are created by the KingsIsle art team. Dave Greco is the Lead Concept Artist there, and shares many of his works on his blog, My Electronic Days. You can view it HERE. See more from KingsIsle Entertainment at

Stay Tuned for More!

There are more concepts on the way - every Friday! Be sure to stop by and please leave feedback here, positive or negative, on what you thought! For information on using these concepts elsewhere, please contact me at swordroll (at) gmail (dot) com or on Twitter or Wizard101/Pirate101 Central.

Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!


  1. That's very cool! I think KT would be an awesome place to revisit in Pirate101. :D

  2. So- are you confirming in this post, the definite appearance of Krokotopia sometime in the future and are those concepts and finsihed areas completley real?

    1. Whenever I post something that isn't real, I notify you. Yep, these are finished models of Krokotopia, docks and all.

      Now I do have to wonder if we'll see it in-game, because it could have gotten cut. I really think we'll be visiting Krokotopia, however, because having those that late into development would tell us that they're pretty secure with the idea.

  3. Where did you see the Krok concepts? I went on Daves Page and cannot find them only the avalon ones.

    1. Oh, these specific ones were not on Dave's blog. I'll say, it was quite a lot of work to get these. I don't think you'll find them on any blog. ;)

      Not to worry, though, I'm happy to share them! And I don't mind if you post them either, with a link or whatever.

      Overall, just hoping to actually be able to stick to a post series. Hopefully, this will help me through.

  4. These concepts are amazing!!!!! I love Krokotopia. It's one of favorite worlds next to Wysteria and Azteca. I really want to dock at those islands! I thought the snakes were only in Aquila. My only fear is that these islands won't be used for the fact that they came up so long ago. But since Wizard101's Krokotopia was finished between 2006-2007 and those are 2010-2011, time frames whe Pirate101 was put in motion, I have confidence we'll see them. I'm so excited! Thanks for posting these! :D

    P.S. Where did you get these concepts anyway? Do you work with KI or something?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello, I am working on an amature monthly Pirate101 Magazine for my friends and I would quite like to use your Concept101 posts as a feature in each issue, if you don't mind?

    1. That's be great! Just email me at "swordroll (at) gmail (dot) com" to work out the details!

    2. Oh, I'll just be curious to learn more about your magazine and talk about your feature!

    3. Ah I see, well you can email me any questions so I know what you need to know- I think you have my email address?

    4. I don't store anyone's email addresses, actually. So you can post it here and I won't approve it, or you can email me.

  7. Also if you look at the new Transportalers that KI released for Pirate101, they look like they could be from Krokotopia.

  8. I don't think those "Dr. Fate" banners have anything to do with Pirate101. Doctor Fate is actually a DC Comics superhero:
    This might help too:
    I don't think we'll be seeing Dr. Fate in Pirate101.

    1. Oh, on the contrary, I think we'll be seeing a lot of him. The developers are quite in-tune with pop culture, and just read the description from the page your provided:

      In 1920, twelve year-old Kent Nelson accompanies his archaeologist father Sven on an expedition to the Valley of Ur in Mesopotamia. Kent opens the tomb of the ancient Egyptian wizard Nabu, releasing a poisonous gas which kills his father. Nabu takes pity on Kent and teaches him wizarding skills before giving him a mystical helmet, amulet and cloak. Nabu merges his spirit with the helmet, allowing him to possess Kent if he wears it. In 1940, Kent meets Inza Cramer and Wotan in Alexandria, Egypt on his way back to the United States. When he arrives in the United States, he begins a career fighting crime and supernatural evil as Doctor Fate and co-founds the Justice Society of America.

    2. Well, I'm pretty sure the banners are for DC Universe Online. The banners are from this website:
      Which also contains several DC Universe Online Concepts. So, we can only assume that this is a DC Universe Concept.

    3. Hmm... I was fairly certain that others next to it are Pirate101 textures. I'm still not convinced! :P

  9. Can you tell us where you find the concepts other than Dave Greco's blog?

  10. I liked Krokotopia and wished there had been more to do. Now I can enjoy it all over again.

    1. Took me six months to do Krok! Lol! I had no crowns at lots of points!

  11. krokotopia was a definite favorite, second only too mooshu

  12. maybe it could be the Lair of Kane

  13. After the quest ''The Call for Help'' players will go to Captain Avery and start the quest ''Off To Pollywogger'' and also Marleybone will launch Thrall Skyway

  14. marlybone just came out. is krok. skyway in marlybone?
    after all, marlybone is my favorite world, and I know in w101 they researched krokotopia.

    -careful liam

  15. Brass Griffin NewtonJune 10, 2013 at 3:26 PM

    If Krokotopia is coming soon, then that must mean that a Map piece is there, and the only possible explanation for that is that it's your character's mom's piece of the map! It is possible, as your parents probably were travelers, since they visited Rajah, as mentioned in Marleybone, and lived in Skull Island. They probably hid it somewhere in one of the pyramids, or the Krokosphinx.

  16. Maybe it would be the final battle against Kane of the Armada. because Grizzleheim, Darkmoor and Rajah will be part of the Fall Update in November.

    1. What makes you say that? Information from somewhere or a guess?

    2. They're not going to release all those worlds in I know that at some point you'll visit GH...the other two are possibilities....

  17. In Wizard101, we learned the kroks came to the main island of Kroktopia from drifting on a floating island to escape from their plagued homeland. Perhaps in Pirate101, we find where the kroks actually came from and perhaps drive out the force that made them leave?

  18. His was a side quest somewhere in the pyramid of the sun, i forgot it's name


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