Wizard101 UK Halloween Contest Winners and Coloring Contest

They say that when one door closes, another opens. In the United Kingdom, that seems to be the case with these contests! Drum-roll please for the winners of the Halloween contests! Then I'll explain the coloring contest in the United Kingdom where you can win your very own Wizard101 giftcard!

There were 9 valid raffle entries. In first place, receiving a Dream Ghoul Pet and 4 Amber Reagents, is Ellie Windheart! In second place, receiving 1 Nightmare Pack and 4 Keeper of the Flame TCs, is Caitlin! In third place, receiving 2 Amber Reagents and 2 Goat Monk TCs, is Blaze Shadowhorn! Congratulations!

There were 3 valid screenshot entries - you're all winners! In first place, receiving an Evil Sandman Pet and 4 Amber Reagents, is Connor Spellcrafter! In second place, receiving 3 Amber Reagents and 4 Luminous Weaver TCs, is Scarlet Owl! In third place, receiving 1 Nightmare Pack, is James Trollfriend! Congratulations!

There were 3 valid activities entries - you're all winners! In first place, receiving a Burning Pixie Pet and 4 Amber Reagents, is Scarlet Owl! In second place, receiving 1 Nightmare Pack and 3 Amber Reagents, is Blaze Firebreath! In third place, receiving 4 Samoorai TCs, is Angus Skyblade! Congratulations!

Your prizes are in a code format in an email response to your entry that will be sent shortly. Treasure Cards cannot be codes, so if you won treasure cards, I have included a TFC - I will personally deliver them in-game. Codes are only valid in Wizard101 UK.

Over the next couple of days, I'll share the screenshot and activity entries in posts. Meanwhile, get your creative juices flowing again for a contest of fantastic proportions! Entering is simple, just follow these instructions:

Step 1: Visit the coloring pages of our website at:

click here -> Coloring Pages

Step 2: Choose a page that you would like to color for us and either print it yourself if you know how, either ask your parents to print it for you. (Please make sure you use a normal white A4 paper and that the picture is big enough for us to be able to admire it!)

Step 3: Hard work starts now! Once you are ready with all this start coloring! The more colors the better! Here, in the Wizard101 EU Team, we LOVE colors!

Step 4: When you are done with your masterpiece write at the bottom of the page:I love Wizard101.co.uk

Step 5: Once you are done you will have to send us the picture via normal Post. Just put your picture in an envelope*, yes you can fold it if you do not have the right size of envelopes -we don't mind. You just need to send it to us! If you are not sure how to do that, I'm sure your parents will be more than glad to help us with this little task too.

The address you have to send this is: 

c/o Gameforge 4D GmbH
Albert-Nestler-Strasse 8 
76131 Karlsruhe  

Please make sure that you have included on the envelope or the back side of your picture your real name and address so that we can send you back your card in case you win one!
Send us your picture before the 27th of November (2 weeks is enough time, right?) to unsure that we have it at the beginning of December the latest!

If you're chosen, you'll win one of twenty Incomm Cards! These cards give one pet and either one month of premium subscription or 5000 crowns! For more information, visit THIS PAGE.

That's it for now! Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!


  1. Can I swap prizes with James Trollfriend? Only if he wants too though xD

    1. As stated in the contest rules, to avoid confusion in general and drawing out the prize release, I can't swap prizes for you guys. However, once you've received your codes, you're welcome to contact that person and swap yourselves... but do so at your own risk!


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