First Look at the All New Wizard101 Dino Bundle

I can always rely on my GameStop to have what I need, and always before the release date! Turns out that they had this brand-new Dino bundle, which means that I get the privilege of providing you with the first ever look at this awesome card!

Let me say this now - there are a few websites out there - and you know who you are - that are going to be tempted to "borrow" these photos. Even if you give credit, it is not okay to use these photos without asking first. More than likely, I'll say yes, but it is rude to simply take. I have tried to be gentle on the watermarking. Onward!

It's pretty rare that I post a load of photos and not a lot of text, but this amazing house and bundle simply call for lots of pictures! First up is the wand! It's the Deathspitter Bow, and it looks pretty neat. Here are the various tiers - you can click to enlarge any photo, and with a few of these, you might need to.

The bundle also comes with a cute little Stegosaurus pet. It has three epic talents, gives a Stun card at baby, and has a pedigree of 63. Here are the talents:

And these are the derby abilities, for those interested:

The gear is a little bit... different. It's interesting. Here is the appearance.

I have to say, I like the build of the stats of these sets. For once, we get universal damage and resistance in the same set, as well as health. The gear works best for the Life school with the cards and such, but you might even see me wearing this outfit.

The real highlights of this bundle are the mount and the house. The mount is the Tyrannosaurus-Rex that conveniently went missing (or never showed up) with the release of Azteca. It is a two-person mount. I absolutely love the way this guy moves!

The house really is something. Outside, it isn't terribly impressive, but there's certainly plenty of space, and a dueling arena.

You can wonder around off of the pyramid area, in the wide-open space...

...or locate the volcano entrance to go right inside to the fun. But we're taking the long way.

The inside seems pretty typical upon first glance. There are various rooms and areas to look around here, but if that were it, you might not be sold on this house.

The real fun begins when you go down the ladder in front to the hidden catacombs. Here, there are portals and twisted and winding paths of all sorts. Good thing I brought tag!

I'd looked at the concept for this area, but I was certainly lost once in the catacombs. Here's one of the first odd things I encountered - these teleport doors.

As it turns out, the central area is a beautiful, luscious area. 

Surrounding it, however, are numerous rooms and tunnels - and it sure is easy to get lost!

On the bright side, they color-coded the teleport doors!

There are simply so many areas to run around and enjoy inside!

This is where you'd end up if you entered the volcano from outside. Each path leads to various tunnels underground.

And with that, I'll call it good for now - I can't spoil it all! But I am grabbing some minigames and tag and the scavenger hunt, as I'll be opening my house up about now for others to see. If you're interested (check the time on this post to see how recently I offered), I'll reply to your comments with friend codes! 

That's it for now! Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!


  1. Hey Swordroll its ~Shadowthief101~ over at central, can I have a TFC to see this house o:

  2. Nice Jason! I love how you included all these various photos to give us all a good glimpse of the house and items that come with the bundle. It looks outstanding!

    Keep up the good work!

  3. SwordRoll would you rather get this bundle or the prehistoric bundle? If you have an opinion can you please tell me why? Thanks!
    -Elijah L

    1. Personally, I like the houses, and I'm not much of a fan of the housing add-ons, like the one that comes with the Prehistoric Bundle. It's really up to your though - what do you like best?

  4. I think i will get the prehistoric bundle, but the prehistoric bundle hasn`t come to my walmarts yet. :I I guess i will have to be patient.
    Thanks for replying to my comment!
    -Elijah L

  5. Is there something like the Genie or Giant Gorilla that gives items?

    1. You know, I didn't see anything like that here, which is odd, because that would make this the first bundle house since they created the "genie" type of thing not to have one. There are two possibilities. Number one, KingsIsle wants you to buy the Prehistoric Bundle for the housing add-on that gives items, or number two, they're going to add one and haven't because the bundle hasn't officially been released yet.

  6. Hey swordroll! I'm Haley Sparklestone and I would love to see this house.

  7. Talk about the house and you get the full thing from Gamestop.

  8. Swordroll! i really like this house.


  9. Awesome If you can I Would be Well i just cant tell you how awesome it would be to come see this house I'm in the making of getting all azteca housing And if you can get me in i'm Wildeye600 on central shoot me a PM if you can anytime

  10. you it ambroses diary i gone use the pictures but i giving you credit bro

    1. It is absolutely unacceptable to simply take photos without asking.

    2. Please DO NOT use these photos on Ambrose's Diary.

  11. can i use them i ask you now?
    with giving credit

  12. ill link your blog on each photo write link in title and description and stuff

  13. Swordroll I would love to see this house if you do not mind?

  14. Can i see the house, Swordroll? Pls :D

  15. Can I See The House, Swordroll? Pls :D Thx

  16. wow!!!!!! i just saw it on central....... nICE JOB!

  17. Hey AWESOME! can i come and see?

  18. interesting house and sweet pet in this bundle(Diana wizardUS)

  19. hey swordroll i would like to see the house
    Andrew level 25 Fire

  20. Hey Swordroll can I see this house but only on the US server, I'd love to see it :)

    ~Daniel R.

  21. I got the Dino bundle, and my Stego (at teen) got may cast pierce ^-^

  22. I'm a little swamped with things to do to pass out any more codes at this point, but this bundle is quickly surfacing in various places, and so if you don't see it somewhere, I'll try to organize a house viewing at some point.

    @Anonymous (Right above me) - Yes, I found that the Stegosaurus in its first generation form gets Pierce Train at teen and "Time Stop" at adult, which gives one Stun card. The card the pet itself gives also changes as it levels.

  23. This house is great for tag, zeke, and pvp. :)

  24. Can I get a tour of the place? I am getting the bundle as soon as my local gamestop has it in stock. I'd love to get a hands on look of what I'm getting myself into for this bundle.

  25. where do you buy one of those dino bundle cards in canada

  26. I got the bundle This Christmas, but the character I want to put it on (Heather Rainbowgem) is only level 9 will I still be able to access the house?

    1. Most houses are only for characters level 15 and up, unfortunately. I'm not sure exactly about this one or bundle houses in general, but once you redeem the card, you can try on that character first, and if it doesn't work, you can wait until she is 15 or use it on another character.


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