Swordroll's Blog Update Notes (2)

Before checking out what's new here, I recommend having read the first update notes. This update features a variety of tweaks and a focus on the Community area of the site, including its subdivisions such as the Contests page. Anything I missed last time or added since then is included.


  • Swordroll's Blog will always be hosted on Blogger. Unlike other sites, Blogger is a subdivision of Google, and will, therefore, very rarely, if ever, shut down. When other hosting sites have maintenance, it means your site goes down, too
  • Images are currently hosted a number of place. I am looking at cleaning this up and moving them all to Blogger

  • The "Read More" symbol has been updated to better reflect the design - let me know what you think
  • A new poll is up and ready for voting
  • Code Grab is now available - see Entertainment for more
  • As always, more blog posts are coming!

  • It seems that Code Grab did not get placed on the homepage in the first update - this is now fixed with the first code
  • Redeem codes quickly - they expire in 24 hours!
  • More wands are being added to the site - if no interest in The Missing Wand is seen, I may remove it

  • The bulletin board has been updated with new news, contests, and features
  • The bulletin board is now more centered on the community outside direct updates
  • To take the spotlight off of my work, I've not included any of my updates in the original bulletin space
  • I have expanded the bulletin board to show my news and updates
  • If you requested your site to be added to this page, and it was not previously, it has been now; if it is still missing, submit it again
  • The Contests page has been updated with new contests and prizes - check them out!
  • You can no longer leave comments on the Community page

Be sure to let me know what you think! I'll continue to work on updates in the future, so keep your eyes out! While you're here, stop by the Pirate101 Pick-A-Post post and choose your favorite option! Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!

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