Rock-In the Jungle (And So the Resistance Begins)

With Avalon just around the corner, the last world has turned into a Safari Scramble. I've already announced that I won't be playing through Avalon on the Test Realm, not that you won't be getting some inside information and pictures. They've likely already pulled data for the Test Realm release later this week. Meanwhile, I've been busy inching my way through the jungle in a world whose interest dwindled after a few runs in the Test Realm, which is another reason that Avalon shall remain a partial mystery to me until released to the live game.

The reason you're stuck with my horrible Rockin'/Rock in pun in the title is my current progress in Zafaria. I'm currently working in Stone Town, trying to focus on Wizard101... or rather, manage it while doing a million other things. Time, it seems, isn't slowing down for anyone.

Stone Town is full of these "Defeat this" and "Defeat that" quests, which first leaves me wondering, is this how Avalon will play out as well? After all, it wouldn't be a change from the ordinary. I can't dive too deep into that, though, because it's next month's featured topic!

Through my many fights with these mixtures of creatures (leave it to me to leave out the ones I need), I've got to have something to think about, and Avalon is ever-present in my mind.

First, there's fifteen new areas, which is on the upper end for a world, and I'm happy for that. They're divided into six zones, which means more crowns to be spent. Then there's level 80, which doesn't come as a real shock, but quite the opposite, really. I found that Waterworks was not my favorite place to farm over and over, especially with the lack of new scenery after Celestia. You might say that I needed some fresh air. Level 80 should bring some new gear, which will save me some crafting, too.

Then there's a whopping 28 new spells, which I'm super happy about, because they're utility spells. They're all known to be upper-end spells, with four allotted to each school. We know that they all have twists, and that one of the Storm ones has a chance to heal or damage the caster. Can't wait.

What about the new equipment and drops? I'm mostly excited for the stats. Usually, the appearances of a world's gear are simply fit to the theme, not necessarily attractive. We've seen a few bits of it in the pictures released so far.

There's also the new level 78 pet quests! No new school spell, but I'm actually pretty happy about that. If we were to get new damage spells, I'd want them to be six or fewer pips with more effects. I can't wait to see what all seven of these new pets are, and with new pets comes hybrids.

And how about those new pets and mounts! We've already seen the white Stag, which likely comes in other colors, too. And there's the owl, too.

You can also go 50% further on gardening, too, and reach rank 15. This is a HUGE step in the right direction for KingsIsle, because they're offering higher levels in activities other than questing that require more time investments, and allow players who dedicate more time to be recognized.

Of course, with the update, there's new spells and plants for gardening... maybe some new pests, too?

Meanwhile, I'll be questing in Zafaria, avoiding the urge to see every picture and tweet available. I must not look. It'll only distract me...

Until next time, thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral... but not Avalon!


  1. Spoiler. All your predictions were actually right about Avalon. The whole Merle ambrose, main world, morganthe, king arthur (though in this it's like artisius or something) all right. ;)

  2. thanks so much these spells are great


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