Wizard101 UK Christmas Party, Happy Hours, and The Fourth Week of Advent

The US may have had the Twelve Days of Wizard, but the UK certainly isn't being left behind in the festivities! They were presented Felix and the Christmas decorations sooner, and between their amazing party, "happy hour" sales, and four weeks of advent, there's plenty going on to celebrate the holidays! Because my time conversions were correct this time, you can also get a look at the Christmas Party for yourself - between the Commons and Mason's House, the party was definitely a hit!

At about 12:45 CST, I logged on to Wizard101 UK to check out the party, and apparently I hadn't read the invitation - I needed a Silent Nightcap. I quickly logged out and redeemed mine, but when I logged back in, the realm was full and it took a minute to get to the correct area.

There were Silent Nightcaps everywhere!

I met Mason in-game for the first time here, and although he was getting mobbed with requests and questions, he added me and we exchanged a few words before I was sent to hide somewhere in the commons, Unicorn Way, the Pet Pavilion, or Ravenwood. Thinking quickly, I ran for the Myth tower and stood behind the few things inside. Natalie Shadowdreamer found me first with the code "ICE" and was named the winner of the hunt!

More and more people were showing up all the time, and Mason decided to move the party to his house. In case you didn't know, Mason is quite well-known in the UK, and he's played a major role in hosting the UK Anniversary party as well as the Christmas Party. It makes me wonder what a party might look like in the US, or if it would even be possible considering the number of players.

At one point, the idea was to place everyone in front of the Christmas tree for a photo, but I suppose large mobs work, too.

Mason and I acted as "port buses" to his Dragon's Fjord, where he displayed an amazing replica of the Krokosphinx boat, a previously available crown item. Before you knew it, we were back in the commons and the numbers were dwindling slightly.

I have to give a shout-out to Ellie Windheart, who asked if I'd be removing everyone from the "port bus" pick-up. I let her know that that wouldn't be the case at all, because I didn't have any UK friends yet, other than Mason, seeing as I'd been around a very short time. So, yes, I'll be seeing you around the Spiral, Ellie!

Besides the party, Wizard101 UK is also in their four week of advent! That means new deals - All elixirs are half price! And if you're still looking for a new mount, the Spritely Seahorse and Swiftshadow Wings are on sale for half of the usual gold (7-day mounts only).

Wizard101 UK will also be having its own happy hours. "On Christmas Day and Boxing Day (25th and 26th of December) between 4 and 8 pm, you can get 20% more Crowns when purchasing them in the shop and use them to shop to your heart’s desire."

If you ever come across Digby Dragondust on the UK server, be sure to say hello! Happy questing!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great party and fun having you there!

    Merry Christmas to you guys and a happy new year 2012!


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