Question of the Week, Gardening, Felix Navidad, Feedback Friday, Crowns Sale, and Contest Updates - Yes, It's Christmas!

Ever feel rushed during the holiday season? Well, the gap between real life and Wizard101 in closing in that way - there's plenty to update you on today! First, I'm taking a question from Destiny Soultamer. I'll follow that up with a little gardening update, and inform you about Felix Navidad and his items - including the latest, the Yuletide Spirit! Then, there's the ongoing Feedback Friday that started this past weekend, as well as Wizard101's crowns sale starting today! If that isn't enough, there's a plethora of crazy contests going on all over the Spiral for wizards of every talent!

Let's start with our Question of the Week. After I posted about the new AAFES giftcards, Destiny Soultamer asked, "Do the new prepaid cards support the Army and Air Force? I'd really like to support them in honor of my extended family."

This was a good question, and I was curious, too, and so I sent in an email asking Kingsisle. Here's how they responded:

Hi there,

That's a great question! They are actually sold through AAFES which is a store that gives back to the Army and Air Force when you shop from them. If you have any other questions please let us know!


KingsIsle Supprt

In short, no cost of the card directly benefits the Army or Air Force, but the store itself does give back. You can purchase your $10 or $20 cards here and, in December of January, get a Wintry Elf or an Ianthine Hound, both of which give a Dragonblade spell. Both are Ice school pets.

I did a bit more digging, and went to check out the AAFES website, and learned some interesting facts. 

The Exchange actually pays about two-thirds or yearly earnings to IMCOM G-9 and MWR Programs. In fact, in the past ten years, they've contributed over $2.4 billion to quality-of-life programs such as youth services, Armed Forces Recreation Centers, arts and crafts, aquatic centers, gold courses, and more! The Exchange has over 3100 facilities in over 30 countries, too, so it's no small chain.

That just about wraps it up - thanks for the questions, Destiny! Have a question of your own? Leave a comment, and you never know, I might answer it in my next blog post!

Talk about a need for Spring cleaning! My Wizard101 folder is packed with over six THOUSAND Wizard101 photos - spend some time digging, and you might just learn more than you want to know about my wizards. Anyway, I've pulled out some of my latest gardening screenshots for our next segment.

Look closely, it isn't the same at the top photo! These are actually ready to harvest. Ever since Pet-A-Palooza, I've had way too many Mega Snack Packs, Mega Snacks, and pet food in general laying around under my Gift icon. To this day, I have over 100 gifts that I have yet to accept. It seems that there's no space! A friend popped by my Death's house yesterday, right after my sword and staff pictures, ironically with her Umbra Blade, and me with my Amaranthine Staff. I told her that I couldn't decide which I liked better, and she seemed to like to staff - the swirling crystals around the main one really added to it. Anyway, my house is cluttered with objects. I love how I got off topic of the off topic there.

Anyway, I've been back into gardening my Prickly Bear Cacti - they're easy, they take a good, long time to begin even making a journey to dead, and there are no crowns involved, but there ARE some possible Mega Snack rewards! At one point, I left them alone, forgetting that I had planted them, for what seemed like several days, maybe a week or two, and yet they hadn't wilted whatsoever. 

I have yet to try the Ivy Leagues - we just know too little about them, but these specialty plants normally have decent harvests, and I'll be keeping my eyes out for information on them. Anyone planting any? Let me know!

Felix Navidad has arrived in the Spiral! He's selling the usual Santa outfit, plus a variety of interesting wands and pets including the Frostman, Christmas Elf, and Yutetide Spirit! Maybe, because of the expansion of Wizard101 to various countries, the YULETIDE Spirit was a way to balance the CHRISTMAS elf. There's quite a bit of talk about it going on. I do believe it gets Unicorn at teen with its pedigree of 62, but I know very little beyond that at the current point in time.

This past Friday, Falmea asked wizards the following:

For those of you who have ventured into Zafaria, there is a quest called Art History, which sends you to check out some cave paintings. It was a little bit of wizardry to get those drawings to do what they did. What do you think about this quest? Amazingly cool? Wished it was just another find-the-book quest? Think it would be cool either way? Inquiring minds want to know...

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm out there! ::grin::

I personally loved the new way of these quests. I agreed with many users that the only two problems are the fact that there weren't enough, and I wish that they were repeatable. What do you think?

There's also a crowns sale going on now! You can get 60,000 crowns for only $60. It's a 25% savings, plus that's 1,000 crowns per dollar - then, for only $3, you can purchase the Yuletide Spirit or other holiday items if you want, or perhaps you've been eyeing those Wyvern's Hoard Packs. It's all possible with crowns, but they're only on sale for a limited time, so act fast!

To conclude, I'll remind you of Wizard101 Central's contests - two more opened yesterday, and there's still more to come, so be on the look out and visit Wizard101 Central through our Links section of the sidebar to learn more!

Remember, if you have a question or response, let me know by commenting. There is no longer a code verification required!

1 comment:

  1. I like how your pictures flow. And that stamp swordroll blog on each pix makes it official. Kinda says This is mine!
    Yes, the Yuletide Spirti (Life school Pet) does Unicorn at Teen or extremely lucky, maybe at adult. To me it's like a cross between the Samoorai pet and Nightmare.
    Anyway, have fun training your pest, err, I mean pets.


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