The Latest From Wizard101, Krokomummy Castings, and Other Blog Updates

Lately, Wizard101 has thrown this and that around, without any major updates since Zafaria. Some of the things that they've released and changed are quite interesting, really.

If you didn't read my last post, or haven't heard, you can no longer teleport into Mirror Lake, but you can always return to the entrance.

Kingsisle has also released an interesting video called "Merle at the Movies," where the headmaster recites his favorite movie lines. It's quite entertaining! You'll find it at the end of the post.

Kingsisle was also featured in an article about playing MMOs with your kids HERE. Be warned that this article may not be suitable for all children. That's the odd part.

Wizard101 is also encouraging you to renew your membership now! For a limited time, one year of membership is only $60.00! If you pay by month, that's half the price! Take advantage of this deal for a limited time! Even if you have membership, it isn't too early to renew it. This year will begin when your current subscription expires!

Over at the Friendly Necromancer's blog, he's doing a Spell of the Week, and this week, it's Krokomummy! He has asked wizards, by midnight tonight, to send him photos of your wizard casting the spell, and he'll post them tomorrow! If you read my post that including in the title "Interesting Pictures," then you'll know what I'm after - a photo of the spell, with my wizard still casting the symbol in the background! I looked for the wizard with the most of this treasure card, and set out to casting, and finally, I caught a good shot! If you forgot how to take pictures like these, go HERE.

Anyway, if you haven't noticed, lately things have been disappearing from the sidebar. As soon as all posts are converted to this "read more" format, you'll be able to see ten topics on a single page. To keep the front page small and quick to load, the sidebar needed to be downsized, too. The Twitter feed and Facebook "Like" application have been removed. You can still follow the blog on Twitter and "Like" it on Facebook using the links. The "Follow by email" has been removed, it wasn't used, and if you wish to follow by email, email me at swordroll (at) Popular Posts was also removed, though I encourage you to look at previous posts and go searching through the archives!

Until next time, happy questing!

1 comment:

  1. love your blog. I also like that all your pics are labled with your blog title


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