Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish School, Location, XP, Rank, and Tank Size Guide

Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

With the Spring Test Realm live, there are new fish to catch in Khrysalis! Log in now and get your hands on these eight new fish for your collection, all in the beautiful finale world for the second arc. Here's a guide to what fish you'll find, what school they are, their locations and ranks, how much fishing experience you'll get for catching them, and what size of tank they require.

Other Fishing Guides:

The Quiet Waters of Khrysalis

Khrysalis has some great places to fish. And some really annoying ones. But if you can survive fishing without seeing the fish in Sardonyx, then you'll also be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of the Last Wood and fishing in the serenity of Bastion or out on Crescent Beach.

With this new world of fishing, there's also a new sentinel! The Rhinobeetle Fish will be showing up a lot in your fishing adventures here. There are only eight new fish to catch - about one per area. Here's a look at what you can add to your collection!

Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Khrysalis Fish
Note: Experience listed in "First Catch, All Catches After" format. 
These fish are sorted alphabetically.

Which lure do I use? Look at the school first, and then the rank. You should use that rank of that school lure to try and catch that fish. 

Example Fish
Location Here
First XP, Normal XP [Rank]
1100 XP, 11 XP [3]
Black Squidow
Khonda Desert
2100 XP, 21 XP [3]

Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Butterfly Shrimp
Last Wood
1500 XP, 15 XP [3]
Deep Bee Bass
1500 XP, 15 XP [3]
Dragon Fry
Crescent Beach
1400 XP, 14 XP [3]
Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Long John Silverfish
Silent Market
1600 XP, 16 XP [3]
Mantis Ray
Moon Cliffs
1700 XP, 17 XP [3]
Rhinobeetle Fish
Bastion / Everywhere
1600 XP, 16 XP [2]
Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Wizard101 Khrysalis Fish Fishing Guide - School, Location

Have you caught all of the Khrysalis fish?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!
Credits: Thanks to Cody Raventamer for info on the Black Squidow!

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