Wizard101 Test Realm Teasers

Wizard101's Test Realm is on the horizon! There's not a ton that we know, but we've gotten a few hints from different people and places around the Spiral. Here's a quick look.

Loading Screens Galore

One thing that has been requested for a long time in Wizard101 is additional loading screens. Pirate101 has a number of such wallpapers and they even change slightly based on holiday seasons. Well, in this spring update (which generally include quality-of-life updates and improvements), we're getting new loading screens!

Here's one for MooShu that was teased in the most recent newsletter.

Each fansite has been given a teaser which is presumably one of those screens. Check out the complete list of fansites HERE to see others. Frostcaller has also compiled some handy links in his post HERE. These aren't just a re-used piece of art. There are some pretty epic and at times funny scenes happening. I can't wait to see them in-game! This is a very minor change that really adds to the gameplay experience.

Mysterious Eggs & Key Bosses

Blaze LifeHammer has gotten a number of new teasers for new bosses, skeleton key rooms, and a mysterious egg incubator. Check those out below:

  1. Empyrea Skeleton Key Boss
  2. Egg Incubator
  3. Olde Town Boss

It looks like we're getting a number of new things to see and do in this next update. It should be fun!

What are you most looking forward to?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

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