Wizard101's 9th Birthday Contest Winners

This September was Wizard101's 9th Birthday, and Swordroll's Blog hosted a number of contests to celebrate! Check out the winners and some of the winning entries in the contests.

I was overwhelmed this year by the number of entries received! Thanks for your patience as I reviewed them. All prizes have been sent to winners.

Write a Blog Post

Participants were asked to write a blog post answering the following question: What is the best world in Wizard101 and why? Valid entries included the blog post, relevant images, and a wizard name.

Grand Prize Winner - 50,000 crowns: Scarlet FireSong
First Place - 25,000 crowns: Blaze HexCaster
Second Place - 9,000 crowns: Tristan
Third Place - 9,000 crowns: William DeathWhisperer
Up to 3 random draw - 2,500 crowns + Random Mount: Jason DragonFlame, Isabella StarFountain, Nicholas SkyStrider 

Wizard Search & Find

Participants were required to log in an explore the Spiral to locate six hidden locations and take screenshots near them. Valid entries included screenshots and a wizard name.

Grand Prize - 25,000 crowns + Random Beckett Wand: Tristan
First Place - 9,000 crowns + Random Beckett Wand: Keena NightHunter
Second Place - 9,000 crowns + Random Beckett Wand: Michael WildFlame
Third Place - 2,500 crowns + Random Beckett Wand: Anna Tale
Up to 3 random draw - 2,500 crowns: David PearlSmith, Justin Darkblade, Talon

#1 Hint: Air

#2 Hint: Prophecy

#3 Hint: House 

#4 Hint: Cold

#5 Hint: Book

#6 Hint: Depths

#1 Answer: A propeller above the door in the hidden shop in Digmoore Station (Hint: Air refers to both the nature of the item you're seeking and the fact that it's in Air Dales Hideaway)
#2 Answer: Tower in Mirror Lake before the first battle (Hint: Prophecy refers to the Morganthe arc and the breaking of the mirror in this instance)
#3 Answer: Cello in Sherlock Bones' house in Marleybone (Hint: House refers to the only major home accessed in the world)
#4 Answer: Door to Nastrond (Hint: Cold refers to the icy weather in the area)
#5 Answer: Table in the Schism Reading Room in the Arcanum (Hint: Book refers to the history book, which is the main story function of the room)
#6 Answer: Eye of the Kraken in Stormriven Hall (Hint: Depths refers to the fact that this item is located underwater)

Birthday Screenshot Contest

Participants were asked to submit a screenshot showing and briefly explaining what their wizard did to celebrate Wizard101's 9th Birthday. Valid entries included an original screenshot, brief explanation, and a wizard name.

Grand Prize - 9,000 crowns: Daniel AngleBringer

First Place - 2,500 crowns: Nicholas SkyStrider

Second Place - 2,500 crowns: Cameron RedGem

Up to 3 random draw - Random Pack: Alura NightCrafter, Sarah SkyStrider, Wolf Bane

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Participants could complete a number of requirements to earn entries for a chance to win. 

2,500 crowns: Iridian WillowGlen
Random Pack: Sophia FrostHeart
Random Pack: Michael WildFlame
Random Beckett Wand: Cameron RedGem

Thanks to all who participated!

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

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