Pirate101 Hybrid Spotlight: Grey Grouper

KI Live kicked off today with Tom, also known as One-Eyed Jack and Dworgyn among other names, and a new co-host - Leah Ruben, or Professor Falmea. The two delivered many exciting reveals for mobile game content, Wizard101, and Pirate101. One of them was a hint from Decius Duelmaster about two new hybrid combinations!

Hints from Decius

Decius offered his clues on a printed sheet of paper showing three eggs - two of which were parents that combined to make one hybrid pet. Tom shared the clues:

The eggs weren't difficult to figure out - the yellow and blue slimy egg is a Grouper. The grey furry egg is a Silver Buffaloon. There are several other slimy eggs also in the mix.

The Grouper

The bottom combination immediately struck me as odd because the top combination used the outcome from the bottom. Not only that, but the bottom's outcome seemed to be a known pet. Kelsey Fireheart confirmed not long after that that the Glowfish and Violet Bubblefish, when morphed together, produce the Grouper. This is an alternate way of making a known pet. Hatching any pet with a Reddrum can also make the Grouper.

It's a little bit strange that these two different combinations result in the same pet, but it's not unheard of. I believe some dropped pets and pack and crown shop pets were also available (and still are) as hybrids in Wizard101.

Grey Grouper

Not long after this discovery, I was able to successfully morph together the Grouper and Silver Buffaloon to produce a new hybrid pet - the Grey Grouper! Keeping in line with the slimy egg fish theme, this guy is a new color option for fans of this pet model, who can now collect not only the Reddrum, the Grouper, and Heck Fish, but now the Grey Grouper, too.

He's simple and clean, keeping in line with the Reddrum and Heck Fish's no-nonsense model, whereas the Heck Fish has some pretty fancy particle effects. Read more about that hybrid here.

New Pets to Search For

What a lot of people haven't realized is that there are plenty of hybrids out there yet to be discovered. Decius confirmed recently that all new Valencia Part 2 pets make at least one hybrid each, with some making more. We already know of at least six or seven pets in this expansion, so those on top of past hybrids still undiscovered offer plenty of opportunities for the adventurous. That's always been an exciting part of Pirate101.

To see known hybrids in Pirate101 and their morphing combinations, use the sub-navigation bar to go to the hybrid guide, or click here. Will you be morphing for the Grey Grouper?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

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