Pirate101: Four New Valencia Teaser Images

Pirate101 Book 15: Valencia Part 2 Teaser

With Book 15 and Valencia Part 2 "on the horizon," players are more excited than ever for this update. They have patiently awaited the release of the Test Realm, and as the week progressed, I figured I'd share some teaser images to keep the excitement alive! Then check out more awesome art from Chris White and Jason Young below!

The Panopticon

Inside the Panopticon, a rotating tower of eye mechanisms keeps a close watch. It looks as though the structure can move up and down to view various levels of corridors and halls.

We can only speculate as to where the Panopticon is... perhaps inside Kane's center of power. Or maybe in the machine. Whatever the case, this image is proof that KingsIsle has taken Valencia to a whole new level.

Hall of Justice

The Hall of Justice is no doubt an area in the newer and shinier portions of Valencia. We see the same royal banners shown in the KI Live preview as we do. We can also guess by the name that it's a sort of courtroom and given that it has a fancy title and what seems to be a unique interior, it may well play a role in our quest to defeat Kane.

It appears to have a pedestal in a closed area accessible only via doors we most likely cannot pass through. It also shows a sort of Spiral map on the floor design.

Pirate101 Book 15: Valencia Part 2 Teaser

Captain Hande

This is a pirate that has been teased an awful lot for being such a small character. Which means that he's most likely not a small character. Perhaps he's a new "big bad guy," a villain to chase after either after or in addition to the Armada. 

Hande's model is so intricate that I can't see it being used only once. He also appears to have no particular Valencian look to him, leading me to believe he's a better fit for a Skull Island encounter. Surely KingsIsle didn't tease a new vendor, though. I'll be curious to see what Hande's roll will be. 

Pirate101 Book 15: Valencia Part 2 Teaser

Armada Station

The final teaser image is of Bishop and a Dragoon. Not strictly a story element at play here, but it does show us something new - a gold-plated Armada station. Similar to some of the others we've been to in the past in both Marleybone and Argon Skyway. 

However, this one is much more decorative. It matches the gold found in the Hall of Justice and seems to be fitting overall for Valencia's more wealthy regions.

Pirate101 Book 15: Valencia Part 2 Teaser

What are you most excited for in Valencia Part 2?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral! Credts: Check out more awesome art from Chris White here and Jason Young here!

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