Wizard101 Polarian Explorer's Bundle

Wizard101 Polaris / Polarian Explorer's Bundle Card - GameStop

Extra Life participants are finding the new Wizard101 Polarian Explorer's Bundle in their inbox today. The card contains a Polarian Shipwreck House, the Battle Narwhal Mount, the Elegant Penguin Pet, Polarian Explorer's Gear and Pickaxe, and one month of membership or 5,000 crowns! Let's take a look at what's new in this bundle!

Polarian Explorer's Bundle Overview

Wizard101 Polaris / Polarian Explorer's Bundle Card - GameStop

Location Sold: GameStop starting November 17, Extra Life Reward starting November 9
Cost: $39
Contents: Polarian Shipwreck House, Battle Narwhal Mount, Elegant Penguin Pet, Polarian Explorer's Gear, Polarian Explorer's Pickaxe, and one month of member or 5000 crowns

Polarian Shipwreck House

Despite being quite simple, Wizard101's newest bundle house looks epic! It's got quite an expanse of icy land to explore, including a daily reward for players given by an NPC taking refuge in your home. There are caves and paths galore. Here's a video of the house, including the interior and exterior hidden areas.

Battle Narwhal Mount

Wizard101 Polaris / Polarian Explorer's Bundle Card - GameStop
This rather unique mount is one of my favorites. Not only are its textures cool, it also has an epic jumping animation. Instead of jumping, the mount will roll over, and your wizard will hang on for dear life underneath.

This mount follows the trend set forth by the Jewel Crafter's Bundle in giving additional stats to mounts. In addition to the 40% speed bonus, the Battle Narwhal also gives a 2% universal damage boost.

Elegant Penguin Pet

This new pet, called the Proper Penguin in-game, is perfect for any well-dressed wizard. His top hat makes him an obvious choice for wizards who want an edge in battle. He provides a Tower Shield card and has a starting pedigree of 73!

He has the same Crystallize talent that the Crystal Butterfly from the Jewel Crafter's Bundle does, but his talents are not the best part. It's the animations you have to watch for. Which ones? ALL OF THEM. This pet is an explosion of cuteness.

Polarian Explorer's Gear and Pickaxe

The gear set, available up through level 110, introduces shadow pip chance on to bundle gear, as well as offering some impressive stats, though an overall poor mix of resistance and damage without the whole set together.

Wizard101 Polaris / Polarian Explorer's Bundle Card - GameStop

The wand focuses almost solely on critical, with a bit of accuracy bonus, but the cards are underwhelming and the wand has no may-cast effect like many others before it. There is also no block.

The appearance of both the outfit and the wand are both very good-looking, however. You can see the appearance and stats for all tiers in the video below. The level 110+ set of gear is pictured for your convenience.

What do you think? Will you be purchasing the new bundle?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

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