The Fansite Festival, Retold With GIFs

The first annual Fansite Festival was an idea that originated with the crew at Adventures of the Spiral, and spread out across fansites all over the community. It grew into a full day of action-packed fun, including multiple events being hosted at once. Just in case you missed any of them, here's a quick recap... in GIF form.

The Fansite Festival Begins

Just yesterday morning at 12 PM CST, the Fansite Festival kicked off. Even before the start, last minute planning and changes took place, and people headed to the Commons for the first event: Paige's dance party. (With nine events, this page may take a moment to load the GIFs before they play properly.)

Paige Moonshade's Dance Party

Officially kicking off the Fansite Festival, Paige's Dance Party took place in realm Scarecrow in the Commons. A well-attended event, the party saw many known faces and twizards, and maintained its crowd the entire hour, with prize drawings every 15 minutes. Turns out Malistaire can dance. Who knew?

Mercenaries101's Battle Royale

The Mercs have often done Battle Royale events of a greater degree, but their one-hour time slot presented a new challenge. Players were required to use clues to locate very specific locations. The well-picked and unique areas made for an interesting event, and there were plenty of winners after everything from bundles to FOG Staves.

Duelist101's Wizard101 PvP Brawl

Following the Battle Royale, Duelist101 opened up two houses with "port buses" to take players to 1v1 and team PvP. With more prizes, and lots of dun to be had, these were popular events that left two homes near their maximum capacity.

You take that back!

Petnome's Medusa Farming Event

Kicking off the Pirate101 events, Petnome opened up Medusa runs. Multiple groups did several runs and snagged, if nothing else, a lot of gold. One particularly notable four-person chest gave everyone nearly 13,000 gold pieces.

Shh, lay down for your nap, now.

Duelist101's Pirate101 PvP Brawl

Duelist continued the action with their PvP event over on the Pirate side of things. Several of the Duelist crew made appearances, as well as Paige Moonshade in a particularly striking outfit to go along with some great PvP matches.

Zachary's Catwalk Event

During this great event, wizards gathered in Unicorn way and watched as the more well-outfitted of the group walked down the runway. But it wasn't all fun and games, because, as with other events, some serious prizes were up for grabs, including a bundle and 10,000 crowns.

As you can see, my outfit was clearly the best.

Spiral Radio 101's Nautical XP and Scrip Farming Party

Over in the skies of Marleybone, Spiral Radio 101 invited Pirates to defeat Armada ships for Scrip and Nautical Experience. Despite arriving late, I managed to snag some Scrip myself, and those that came made off with full gold bags and additional chances for prizes.

On the rare occasion that you're caught by a ship, you might need to fight some Armada marines. But when you're as skilled as Chrissy the Blesser, the bombs pack up and run from YOU!

Legends of the Spiral and Adventures of the Spiral's Fishing Event

As wizards and pirates transitioned into the evening hours, AoS and LotS teamed up to present a fun-filled fishing event, including contests to see who could catch a Cranky Catfish first, and who caught the largest and smallest fish in the hour block.

I personally tried to make some new friends, but everyone ran away from me!

Swordroll's Scarab Farming Event

As the Fansite Festival drew to a close, I snagged the stragglers in the final event of the day from 6-7 PM CST - Scarab farming. Though the turnout was significantly lower than when the day began, seven players actually received the Scarab pet, which is somewhat of a rarity in Pirate.

Among those who attended was Misty Jackson, who scored a couple of nice hits while monkeying around in the Zenda dungeons.

ManOfBass's Live Coverage

Many couldn't visited or participate in all of the events, and some of the current readers of this post may have missed part or all of the festival. Fortunately, Edward Anvilshared (a.k.a. man0fbass) livestreamed almost all of the events. If you missed the broadcast, you can watch the events HERE on his Twitch channel.

The whole Fansite Festival was pretty awesome and overall extremely well-attended and very popular. I'm hoping the same thing returns next year with more events and more attendees. Getting in-game with friends to participate was great, and there was a multitude of bundles, crowns, and other items given away very quickly by all of the participating site owners. If you went, I hope you as much fun as I did!

What did you think of the Fansite Festival? Which events did you attend and which were your favorite?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

1 comment:

  1. I am so mad i could only do the Duelist101 (pirate) event because i couldnt do fort basset fast enough to access marleybone for the nautical xp and scrip farming event :(


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