Wizard101: Fishing to Come to Dragonspyre!

Wizard101 Fishing in Dragonspyre

Wizard101's new Vine post today confirms it - fishing is arriving in Dragonspyre, and with a recent extended maintenance and lack of content updates, the Test Realm is just around the corner!

A New Kind of Fishing

Fishing in Dragonspyre will be unique, because there's no water there. It was all turned to lava after the Dragon Titan ran free across the world, bringing ruin to it and its inhabitants. So what exactly lies beneath these boiling surfaces?

Lava Fish?

"There's something fishy coming to Dragonspyre" - or so Wizard101's Vine post says teasingly. There are a couple implications of fishing in Dragonspyre. Number one, it will be the first fishing world in which we cannot enter any of the fishing areas. Walking in lava was never an option for wizards. Fishing exclusively from the banks is required at least once, or so it seems to me, in each of our fishing worlds so far, but this will definitely be a change.

The other thing we can count on is different kinds of fish. You won't find any regular trout swimming through Dragonspyre. Anything that can survive in lava is likely highly collectable, and the perfect addition to any house.

A New Vendor

The Vine doesn't give us much beyond the fish in the lava, but it does show one new character with a fishing pole. This is likely a new vendor, and despite the fact that we can currently fish in four (technically five) worlds, we only have two vendors. That indicates to me that we'll not only see new fishing spells (including Rank 3 lures), but also new recipes for crafting, possibly including different tanks.

Wizard101 Fishing in Dragonspyre

Hints From Gary

For those who don't know, Gary Scott Smith, the Senior Software Engineer at KingsIsle Entertainment, often shares some insights on his Twitter account. Here are a few he posted recently indicating a Spring update:

Typically we see new houses with the live release and not in the Test Realm, but you can be sure that all these rank 3 spells and new fish need testing out first. Prep yourself!

Further Speculation

Beyond just Rank 3 fish, I think there are other possibilities for fishing, and there have long been tell-tale signs about what to expect. You've read plenty of fishing guides, but I highly recommend checking out Wizard101: Recognizing Patterns in Fishing HERE, as we'll likely see new fishing ranks, and you'll see approximate numbers there, and Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces HERE, in which I use doodles to speculate on "river monsters," purifying ponds, and more.

What do you think we'll see in this update?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

1 comment:

  1. Did you know when Dalia mentioned something in the Producers Letter? About the Stone Slabs? Also about some new yet familiar places? So we could probably have more areas in DragonSpyre also we might know something more about Malistaire! (even if he is gone). Also with magic we might be able to place stone slabs to walk on the Lava and fish! I can't wait for this update, KI also posed a new Vine did you check it out?


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