Introducing the Doubloon Database!

Where in the Spiral has Swordroll been? He's been working on a new feature for your benefit - the doubloon database. This handy tool will allow you to learn so much more than you know current about doubloons in-game.

Check out all the changes and additions!

Home Site Changes

  • The sub-navigation bar has been changed to include the Doubloon Database, and a little secret...
  • There is now a separate page from which you can sort the types of posts you read

Sub-Site Changes

Database Home

  • You will find featured pages and top contributors as well as multiple ways to sort on the homepage
  • You can sort by level, class that acquires a doubloon, by world in which you receive the doubloon, or by the doubloon's name
  • You can navigate to individual doubloon pages, which will tell you the doubloon's name, values, level, the world or worlds you can get it from, and the class of pirate that gets the doubloon

Sort by Type

  • Rather than include all types of doubloons on the homepage (that'd be too much), you can navigate here and click on the type of doubloon you wish to search and you will be taken to subcategories, where you can navigate to the specific value or level tier of a certain type of doubloon

Help Pages

  • You will be taken to a sorting page that shows you different help pages that you may find useful in your doubloon searches. Even if you think you know everything, you'll probably learn something new
  • Help pages include: Doubloon Symbols Guide, Getting Chests and Help, Getting the Doubloons You Want, and Using Doubloons in Combat

Submit Information

  • This page allows you to directly upload images and submit other information to the database

Significance of this Database

Besides the fact that I personally guarantee you didn't know some of the information in these database pages, this is also a tool that is all about self-help and doing some digging to answer your own questions. It's not particularly fancy or flashy, but it's certainly functional.

Ever wondered, "What doubloons will I get if I search in Mooshu as opposed to Aquila?" or "What is highest value on that one doubloon type?" or maybe "What doubloons can I get for my specific class?" or "What doubloons will I get if I hunt with a friend that's this class?" or perhaps "What does that doubloon even really do?" Particularly with Sluggish, you might have never guessed that "dazed" means that the enemy team can't activate any epics for that round. That's huge.

Suddenly, you have the information at your fingertips to answer every question you have about doubloons simply by clicking around. And if you have any further questions, or information, or images, let me know!

Moving Forward

It has taken me (and only me, minus six doubloon images) a long time to put all of this together. There's still a lot to do, and a lot of doubloons to find. Once a single doubloon is found, it may need to be indexed on as many as seven pages, so it'll take time even to add one. There are a few things to work out, but now that you have a good portion of the information available, you can once again expect regular post updates. Submit your doubloons that I don't have! Thanks in advance, and I hope you enjoy this tool!

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

1 comment:

  1. Swordroll, this is a great addition to the Spiral community! Thanks for taking the time to create this database.


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