Pirate101: A Treasure Hunter's Guide to Doubloons

Pirate101 Illustrated Guide to Group Plunder Chests and Doubloons

Doubloons haven't taken off yet, but I have no doubt that they'll soon be quite popular. Why? Because these incredibly powerful treasure-card-type powers provide a number of different functions that could give any pirate the upper hand in PvE or PvP. Here's a guide to help you in your search for and understanding of doubloons.

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Where to Find Doubloons

Doubloons are exclusive to group plunder chests. Group plunder chests can be obtained or located of two ways. The first is through searching - anywhere a regular chest would spawn, a group chest has the chance to spawn. You can also search various realms in those same spots for a group chest rather than a regular chest. No routes are included here, as any publicized route would instantly no longer be a viable place to search for group chests. However, if you need some places to start off looking for chests, check behind Miracle Mitch's house, near the entrance to the Ancient Tunnels in Skull Island, or next to the Spar Chamber. Group plunder chests are easy to identify. While normal chests can blend in quite easily, group chests have large locks over the top of them, and are very easy to spot. 

The second is through combat. When fighting with multiple people, you could see chests with two or four locks. They will require that many people to open, but even if you are fighting with four and only see a chest for two, everyone will get doubloons regardless of who actually opens the chest. Chests spawn in specific part of a battle.

Pirate101 Illustrated Guide to Group Plunder Chests and Doubloons

Getting Help With Chests

On of the things that people have the toughest time with is getting others to actually help open chests. I believe that there is currently a lack of interest in doubloons because their full potential hasn't been realized.

There are a few ways to get help opening chests. The most reliable way is to go onto Pirate101 Central or Twitter or Facebook or ask friends that are already in the game. The people that respond to you there will be interested in chests, and are therefore more likely to want to join you. If all else fails, send me a TFC!

The other possibility is marking your location and going to Avery's Court to recruit help. Understand that marking does NOT retain your realm. You will have to check your realm before you leave to get help, and when you teleport back, you may have to switch realms back to the one with the chest.

Using Doubloons in Combat

Doubloons, much like treasure cards in Wizard101, are used as extra powers. However, just as powers cannot be selectively put into your arsenal as spells can, neither can doubloons. You've got to use all of them, but you do get to order them like powers.

In battles with one player, you'll draw one doubloon per round. In battles with two, you'll draw two, three with three, and four with four. 

Each round, you'll draw one doubloon. You will draw that same doubloon every round until you use one copy of it, then you'll draw a new one, regardless of how many copies of the doubloon you have.

Doubloons are used before any other powers and can be used in addition to normal powers each round.

Types of Doubloons

Pirate101 Doubloons Guide
Movement Doubloons
Movement doubloons include Jackrabbit Ju-Ju and the Movement Doubloon itself. These will increase the distance you can move on the battleboard and Jackrabbit Ju-Ju will grant bonus attack talents.

Pirate101 Doubloons Guide
Debuff Doubloons
Debuff doubloons include Galewind, Hurricane, Maelstrom, and Sluggish Doubloons. These are designed to make the opposing team vulnerable or ineffective, and some have the added effect of pushing enemies back.

Pirate101 Doubloons Guide
Healing Doubloons
Healing doubloons include the Health Doubloon, Cautious Retreat, Retreat, and Full Retreat. These will heal your entire team for a certain amount, sometimes over the course of several rounds.

Pirate101 Doubloons Guide
Summoning Doubloons
Summoning doubloons include Skull Island, Cool Ranch, MooShu, Marleybone, Aquila, and Death Marks. They will bring in a creature or creatures to aid you, but are not able to be controlled.

Pirate101 Doubloons Guide
Base Stat Boost Doubloons
These include Agility, Strength, and Will Doubloons. They'll increase your critical chance when using the stat and decrease critical chance on you. They also increase damage and additional hit chances. 

Pirate101 Doubloons Guide
Attack Doubloons
Attack doubloons include Sudden Squall, Volcano, Glacier, and Mojo Bolt. They damage the enemy team with some additional effects or drawbacks based on the damage amount.

Pirate101 Doubloons Guide
 Other Stat Boost Doubloons
Other stat boosts include Armor, Resistance, Critical, Damage, Spell Power, Accuracy, and Dodge Doubloons. These allow any class to boost any stat and gain all the advantages that come with it.

Pirate101 Doubloons Guide
Other Doubloons
Other doubloons include Tower Shield, Shield Wall, and Treasure Bath. They have various effects such as temporary immunity or extra gold rewards in a battle.

Significance of Doubloons

Most people haven't realized the full potential of doubloons, but once word spreads, any serious duelist or pirate wanting an edge in PvE will be swarming for chests across the Spiral, so grab them while you can! These are extra powers and, unlike treasure cards, don't take up your turn - they're used in addition to it. Why doubloons aren't wildly popular, I'm not sure. But they'll be big in PvP. I anticipate some pushing for bans, but quite frankly, that's unrealistic. Doubloons are as much a part of combat now as pets and gear. In fact, they're a lot easier to get than a good pet and set of gear.

Which Doubloons From Which Chests?

Truthfully, there's no rule for which chests contain which doubloons, other than the fact that high-level chests will contain high-level doubloons. But you might still get level 45 doubloons or Mark of MooShu doubloons from Aquila chests. Generally, search in the area where the level range for the doubloons you're after is appropriate. 

It is worth noting that many doubloons are available at all level tiers and are the same. This means that you can have hundreds of Maelstrom doubloons, for example. The limit is twenty, but it's twenty per doubloon per level tier. When you get to a point where half your doubloons are getting destroyed from Aquila chests, it might be worth checking other worlds and areas. Even lower-level chests have the potential to grant rare doubloons that will be helpful to pirates of all levels.

Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

How to Contribute

I'm going to need a lot of help with this guide - there are so many doubloons that I couldn't possibly get them all. In fact, there are some level tiers I haven't received any doubloons for.

If you can help, post a comment here or email me at swordroll (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!


It is with the help of these people that I'm able to keep this guide up-to-date.

Name / Images Contributed / Info. Contributed
Dark Angel / 2 / 0

Any Level Doubloons
These doubloons can be found in any chest. They are the same at every level with the exception of Mark of Death, which will summon different creatures of different power levels depending on the level of the doubloon. Instead of being available at every level, Critical Boost and Treasure Bath simply have no level assigned to them, which means that instead of a max of twenty per tier, you can only have twenty total.

Critical Boost Doubloon
Mark of Death Doubloon
Mojo Bolt Doubloon
Tower Shield Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Treasure Bath Doubloon
Galewind Doubloon
Hurricane Doubloon
Malestrom Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Jackrabbit Ju-Ju Doubloon
Shield Wall Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 1 Doubloons

Damage Doubloon
Movement Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 5 Doubloons

Retreat Doubloon
Mark of Skull Island
Spell Power Doubloon
Volcano Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Glacier Doubloon
Sluggish Doubloon
Sudden Squall Doubloon
Cautious Retreat Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Full Retreat Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 15 Doubloons

Mark of Cool Ranch
Sudden Squall Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 25 Doubloons

Sudden Squall Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 30 Doubloons

Movement Doubloon
Dodge Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 35 Doubloons

Sudden Squall Doubloon
Volcano Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 45 Doubloons

Mark of MooShu
Volcano Doubloon
Retreat Doubloon
Health Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 50 Doubloons

Agility Doubloon
Strength Doubloon
Will Doubloon
Health Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Movement Doubloon
Spell Power Doubloon
Damage Doubloon
Armor Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Magic Resist Doubloon
Accuracy Doubloon
Dodge Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 55 Doubloons

Mark of Marleybone
Agility Doubloon
Strength Doubloon
Will Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Accuracy Doubloon
Dodge Doubloon
Sluggish Doubloon
Health Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Spell Power Doubloon
Damage Doubloon
Glacier Doubloon
Sudden Squall Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Cautious Retreat Doubloon
Retreat Doubloon
Full Retreat Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 60 Doubloons

Movement Doubloon
Accuracy Doubloon
Dodge Doubloon
Agility Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Level 65 Doubloons

Volcano Doubloon
Sluggish Doubloon
Mark of Aquila
Accuracy Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Will Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide

Unknown Level Doubloons
These are confirmed doubloons without known levels. If you know at what levels these doubloons drops, please let me know by commenting here.

Glacier Doubloon
Movement Doubloon
Magic Resist Doubloon
Magic Resist Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Magic Resist Doubloon
Magic Resist Doubloon
Sluggish Doubloon
Sluggish Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Sudden Squall Doubloon
Volcano Doubloon
Will Doubloon
Will Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Cautious Retreat Doubloon
Dodge Doubloon
Agility Doubloon
Accuracy Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide Pirate101 Doubloon Guide
Accuracy Doubloon
Pirate101 Doubloon Guide


  1. This has been sorely needed and I can't wait to see it when you complete it. You attention to detail is amazing and your graphics just ice the cake. Well done again.

  2. Great guide! I love how you have the doubloons' powers organized. It's much easier to understand. You could also mention that a good incentive for opening doubloon chests is the insane gold amounts. I recall getting over 4k in two-person chests and over 8k in four-person chests.

  3. Wow thanks Swordroll you maked me understand the necessity of doubloons


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