Pirate101 Marleybone/Aquila Information and Concepts!

Pirate101 Aquila

Well, it seems we're being teased by the MMORG website with an article that isn't really there yet... but they couldn't quite clean up the remnants fast enough. Turns out, we're not getting one, but two books, and two new worlds, confirmed as Marleybone and Aquila!

I don't normally do this, but I think you'll want this update QUICK!

Inside Look

From MMORPG.com:

Adventures await you in the highly anticipated Books 13 and 14 of Pirate101! With the introduction of both the war-torn skyway of Marleybone and the legendary beauty and danger found throughout Aquila, high-level Pirates can now continue their journey against the evil Armada!

This is the largest expansion to date for this family online game by KingsIsle Entertainment where young Pirates rebel against the evil Armada who are bent on destroying the Spiral. These worlds and much more are coming to the Members Only Test Realm, and will available to the Live Game soon.

Wow! Excitement, much? This means we'll have to keep an eye out for when the article is properly released! Keep your eyes peeled and read the full preview at http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/loadNews/27464!

Aquila Concepts and a Screenshot

Pirate101 Aquila concept
Pirate101 Aquila Concept

Pirate101 Aquila concept
Pirate101 Aquila Concept

Pirate101 Aquila screenshot
Pirate101 Aquila screenshot

Marleybone Concepts

Pirate101 Marleybone concept
Pirate101 Marleybone Concept

Pirate101 Marleybone concept
Pirate101 Marleybone Concept

What Do YOU Think?

Curious, what are your thought NOW on Marleybone, since it's confirmed Marleybone... and Aquila! The Test Realm should be up before we know it. Who's excited?


  1. Why did MMORPG take these down?

    1. I suspect it's because they released them a little bit too soon. After they did, KingsIsle probably alerted them of it, and they took down the post and the Facebook post. But they left the images on their server. And they were retrieved.

      Major mess-up on the part of MMORPG, but it was to our benefit, it seems.

  2. wow thanks for sharing these

  3. The Aquilla ones don't look right. They just are not quite all the same theme.

    1. I agree!

      One looks odd because it's actually an in-game screenshot. The others have really strong themes. I was excited for Aquila with it being new, but now I absolutely can't wait - it looks like loads of fun!

  4. The Aquilan concepts look wide-open and really interesting. I wonder what classic Greek or Roman place we'll see!

  5. I just hope that Marleybone is different enough from Wizard101 to be interesting.

  6. Since Marleybone is in Pirate101 maybe just maybe Aquila might be the next world after azteca! (i hope it is a greek mythology world but no i think my dreams have been crushed D:(oh well))


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