500 Comments Reward and Interview and Contest With Blaze Shadowhorn

Just an interesting picture there to get you started. I actually did this to myself yesterday, but with Grub Guardian.

As promised, the first member to either make the 500th comment, or the first comment following 500, wins an Energy Elixir! In addition, we now have no less than 102 site members! That means that very shortly, someone will be winning a Blizzard Elf (I will announce the winner tomorrow). Plus, that means only 25 until a 5,000 crowns giveaway, and there are more prizes to come! I've also included some information here about an interview (in which I was the interviewee) with Blaze Shadowhorn. He's set up a contest to win a beta key that I think you might be interested in, so check it out!

First, our winner! Congratulations to Paige Dreamcloud for being the first member to post a comment at or after 500! I know that you're on Twitter, so I've contacted you there with your prize!

Keep following the blog (or telling your friends) for more great giveaways!

I recently participated in an interview with Blaze Shadowhorn. In the interview, I talk about both the Wizard101 US/UK and Pirate101 side of my blog, as well as my Pirate101 class choice and hopes for Pirate101. I also give a sneak-peek of my new blog design, and one of the new features! Check it out at  http://www.talesofthespiral.com/2012/08/interview-with-swordroll-closed-beta.html!

Blaze and I are also holding a conjoined contest of sorts. You can enter at  http://www.talesofthespiral.com/2012/08/interview-with-swordroll-closed-beta.html or here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to follow this blog if you enjoy it! More updates coming later today, so stay tuned! Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!


  1. What I like most about your blog would be all the guides and "feature posts" you make. These are really interesting and helpful!

  2. The best thing about your blog is your theories and how you demonstrate that through illustrations.

  3. what i like most about your blog is you share your ideas and opinions about things happens in w101

  4. what i like about your posts are your opinions and ideas :)

  5. what i like the most about your blog is the graphics :3 and the content of course

  6. What I like about your blog is that you over your posts make something really easy, for example with the adress things, or anything W101 or P101 related. Your posts are always full of helpful informations, what I liked(d) most about your blog is when you had the little flag over the header. Why don't you put it back? :/

  7. Love your graphics and your content :)

  8. One of the things I like about your blog is that you try to break things up into different categories so-to-speak.


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