An Announcement and a Contest!

Needing a few extra crowns? Maybe a new pet and an energy elixir to train him? Here's an opportunity to grab those things - just by showing your support for Swordroll's Blog! Find out how to win here. I should also let you know why I won't be responding to comments or emails these next few weeks.

Until the 3rd of August, I'll be out-of-state (don't release Pirate101 beta on me yet!), and I'm not sure on the status of internet connection.
As such, I've put together an awesome lineup of posts that I wish I could be here to share with you! To keep you coming back and checking for new posts, I'm putting up a contest for members. Here are the details.

500 Comments Members' Reward

At Swordroll's Blog, it's the readers that make things possible, and becoming a member is a big help. To thank you, we're giving away an energy elixir! To get it, be the 500th valid comment on the blog. You must have commented under a name that follows this blog. If the 500th comment is not following the blog, the first member to post beyond that point will win. Thanks again!

What's a valid comment? A valid comment cannot be spam (lalalalala; Here's my website: ...; etc.). You also cannot repeatedly comment (I like this post; I like this post, too; This one is nice).

Um... where do I comment? I encourage you to take a look at some older posts and get some comments and discussions going there.

100 Members Contest

As an thank-you for becoming a member, you get free entries into a contest to win you own Blizzard Elf pet! Take this icy companion on all of your adventures with you! To win, see the Rafflecopter contest below.

125 Members Contest

As it turns out, I'm REALLY appreciative of your support, so if we get just 25 members more beyond 100, you'll all be entered to win 5000 crowns! To win, see the Rafflecopter contest below.

100/125 Members Rafflecopter Contest

Follow the blog and share this giveaway every day for extra chances to win some awesome prizes!

To see the giveaway, visit this page: http://www.swordroll.p101/p/contests.html

If you're already a member, be sure to tell your friends!

Thanks for reading (and being a part of Swordroll's Blog)! See you in the Spiral!

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