Question of the Week, Week One Winner, and Save on Membership

With few updates to the game recently other than new items to spend money on in the crown shop, players are left wanting new content and worlds to explore. Kingsisle does a decent job of offering small new things in between world releases, but sometimes it just isn't enough.

KI had lost many players this way, but it seems that they gain five for every one lost, so they remain unconcerned.

Chloe on Wizard101 Central asked users, "Bored players; what would make you play again?"

Many players offered advice and comments for Kingsisle to review including the following:

1. KI should improve their science skills, the game wasn't programmed as efficiently as possible2. The game needs a better storyline with longer worlds
3. The game needs to be changed so that it isn't "Kill this and press X to level up"
4. Free players need more content areas.
5. Quit with the "Hoards"
6.  The game shouldn't be so repetitive
7. Clothes need more color and design options
8. Larger selection of names for pets
9. New levels
10. More appearance options
11. More transformations
12. Gold options for more crown shop items
13. More unique schools quests with several possible paths and outcomes
14. Options to fight three or four enemies at once; more of a challenge
15. Make schools more unique
16. Changes to PvP to give the person going second a better chance at success
17. Changes of scenery are needs and don't recycle monster graphics
18. Make sigil-accessed areas have different difficulty options
19. Eliminate emphasis on side activities like gardening and pets

The thread has started to turn into idea central, but at least Kingsisle is getting some feedback, and a lot of these are quality ideas. One member of Central has a different perspective. They simply want the truth from Kingsisle. Here's kymberli99's story and ideas:

"They could stop lying to 8 year olds that would make me happy!

My grandson wrote and asked if some of the crowns only items,or being able to stitch your gear was going to be available for gold sooner or later?

The answer he got was that all crown items can be bought with gold or dropped by bosses
The items he was asking about were the spinx, the little games you can put in your home,a crowns only perment mount and stitching his gear.

My grandson never asks for help he has made legendary all on his own and has been helping his little brother get there too,
he never begs for crowns or asks people for gifts, but he will spend a week or more farming for something he really wants
if you tell him its out there,
so when he got that answer back i was upset and because they told him that ,he believes it and has spent so much time looking for these items and trying to find the place to stitch your gear for gold

come on tell the kid the truth for petes sake.

as for giving people something to do while they wait for a new world?
they have all the empty houses and caves and such in every world, a great way to get higher wizards back to the lower worlds would be to add a quest to a new place every now and then have a teacher send you to do a quest to there home or something,
or make it so you get a pet of every boss you beat once you have beat him so many times i dont care if its a million times just give people something to do! and a auto pet of the boss would be a great way to keep people playing on all levels

they have the halloween towers and jack in the commons with cute little quests

but why no christmas/ winter towers? they could be put in colossus save santa ,jack frost and elf or something and have santa a elf or jack frost in the commons with quest

same for easter and other hollidays

there could even be towers that pop up every season not just at halloween
there tons of things that could be done"

And now it's time for the week one drawing winner! It has been determined that the chosen user will receive three (3) KI Free Games codes (you should receive them via Facebook message sometime today). Again, I'll present the official rules:

Official Contest Rules
Visit or our sidebar and click "Like." Note that verification may be required. All users who "Like" Swordroll's Blog are reviewed and entered into a drawing Friday night at 8:00 PM Central time and winners are announced later that night or Saturday morning. Users who "Like" Swordroll's Blog are eligible to win every week after they "Like" the page for the first five weeks since creation of the page. Drawings will take place on Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, and Oct. 20.

Here's a video of the names entered at and randomized.

Congratulation to the winner! Don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook if you haven't already for a chance to win next week!

Before we finish up, I'll remind everyone that you can currently save on membership. Twelve months costs only $60 at the moment! You can go ahead and renew your membership for this low price and it will continue after your current subscription expires.

As usual, please leave a comment, follow us on Twitter, and "Like" us on Facebook. Tell you're friends about Swordroll's Blog, too! Thanks for reading!

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